The first installment of "Sunrise Spirits! HI-METAL R "Elgeim", the main character machine of "Heavy Battleship Elgeim" reappears!
TAMASHII NATIONS STORE ONLINE" has started taking reservations for "HI-METAL R Elgeim (Sunrise Spirits)".
TAMASHII NATIONS STORE ONLINE" has started accepting pre-orders for " HI-METAL R Elgeim (Sunrise Spirits) " (22,000 yen including tax, shipping and handling fee not included).
The first "Sunrise Spirits" figure! HI-METAL R "Elgeim", the main character of "Heavy Metal Machine Elgeim", is now available again!
This item sets itself apart from others with its pursuit of texture, including a die-cast and plated frame and soft armor parts painted with rubber to reproduce a unique feel, as well as a wide range of poses made possible by its high-level joint mobility and weight settings.
The product is scheduled for delivery in January 2024. Reservations will be accepted until January 19, 2024 at 11:00 p.m., but please make your reservations as soon as possible, as the order may be closed once the number of items available has been reached.
Product Information
Hi-Metal R El-Gaim (Sunrise Spirits)
Retail price: 22,000 yen (tax included)
Pre-order end: January 19, 2024 at 23:00
Delivery date: Scheduled to ship in January 2024
<Created by
El-Gaim: Heavy War Machine
<Main product contents
Main body
2 replacement wrists (left and right)
Solar Binder
Power Launcher x 2
Cable x 2
Land booster light
Saber handle×4
Saber Blade x 2
Lancer Handle
Spiral flow
<Main Product Materials> ABS, die-cast, PVC
<Product Size> Height: 200mm
<Age Range> 15 years and up
<Order quantity> Limited to 1 per order.
For the latest information and details, please check the product sales page.
Sales may be terminated when the number of items available has been reached.
Sales may be terminated when the page is accessed.
Product specifications are subject to change without notice.
The photos are under development and may differ slightly from the actual product.
(C) Sotsu, Sunrise
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