Let's decide the best leading male voice actor of the year! Akiba Research Institute's Best Leading Male Seiyu Awards 2023" has started!

The "Akiba Research Institute Starring Male Voice Actor Award 2023" started on December 29, 2023, in which everyone will decide which popular voice actors will be active in 2023.

This project aims to determine the most popular male voice actor among the male voice actors who starred in anime broadcasted or distributed in 2023.

A total of 31 actors who ranked in the top 10 in each of the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall 2023 Anime Popularity Polls have entered this year's contest.
Cast your vote for the male voice actor you think has been particularly active this year, and let's decide the best male voice actor together.

In particular, this year's contest includes not only popular voice actors who are regulars, but also voice actors who are active in the "Married Couple Enjoying ~The Night of No Return~" animated series and the Chinese animated series "Tian Guan Gifts and Blessings 貮" voice actors. The lineup was very diverse.

Who will win the first place among the 31 contestants?

Each person has 7 votes, and the voting period ends on January 12, 2024. We hope that you will cast your passionate vote.
(*You must be logged in as a member of Akiba Research Institute to vote.)

Voting for the "Akiba Research Institute Anison Award 2023" is also underway until January 4, 2024. Let's participate here as well!