Starts airing today! Winter Anime "The Hyakusen Family's Ayakashi Prince" Episode 1 Synopsis & Advance Cuts Revealed! Himari, the heir to the "Hyakusen Family"...
The first episode synopsis and advance cuts of the winter anime "The Ayakashi Oji of the Hyakusen Family," scheduled to begin airing today, January 5, 2024, have been released.
Ayakashi Oji of the House of Hyakusen" (original story by Aya Nitone) is an Ayakashi-kei Japanese fantasy manga serialized in "ASUKA" (Kadokawa Shoten) from 2013 to 2019, which has sold over 1.1 million copies in total and has been translated and published in 10 languages. The sequel, "The Ayakashi Prince of Sen's House - Tsugi-," began serialization in the July 2023 issue of ASUKA.
The first episode "The Ayashii People of the Hyakusen Family", scheduled to start airing on January 5, 2024, has been revealed today.
The synopsis and advance cuts are as follows.
No.1 "The Ayashii people of the Hyakusen family
Himari Hyakusen lost her parents in an accident when she was a baby, and has been raised in an institution. On her 16th birthday, she suddenly receives a will from her deceased parents, which stipulates that she will inherit the "Hyakusen Family". When she arrives at the Hyakusen family with the help of a map, she finds a mysterious boy who calls himself Aoi, as well as two other residents named Murasaki and Ise! Himari is told by them that the master of the Hyakusenke is Aoi, so she must leave. ......
Work information
TV anime " The Lord of Ayakashi of the Hyakusen Family
<Broadcast Information
Broadcasting is scheduled to begin on January 5, 2024.
<Staff> Original story
Original story: Aya Nitasuno "The King of Ayakashi of the Hyakusen Family" (Asuka Comics DX/KADOKAWA Publishing)
Director:Bob White
Series Composition: Yasuko Aoki (Studio Monado)
Character Design:Masumi Oka
Music: Tsujina Ayana, Tomoyuki Kitsuno
Sound Director: Kikugo Kikda
Production: Drive
Hyakusen Himari: Kawaida Natsumi
Nanamori Aoi/Strong White Throat: Toutsuka Takeo
Murasaki: Shinnosuke Ubana
Ise: Tomoki Ohkono
Official website:#
Official X (former Twitter): #
Original story information
Ayakashi Ouko" is an Ayakashi-kei Japanese fantasy manga that was serialized in "ASUKA" (KADOKAWA) from 2013 to 2019, and has sold over 1.1 million copies in total.
The sequel "The Princess Ayakashi of the Hyakusan Family - Tsugi-" will be serialized from the "9th issue of ASUKA" to be released on July 24, 2023. Comics are scheduled to be released in the spring of 2024.
(c)2023 Aya Niton/KADOKAWA/Hyakusanke no Ayakashi Oubaku Production Committee
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