Winter Anime "Aspiring Magical Girl" Episode 4 Synopsis & Advance Cuts Released! To protect the peace of the town, the three challenge battle...!

The winter anime "Aspiring to be a Magical Girl" has released its episode 4 synopsis, advance cuts, and web preview.

Magical Girl Aspiration" (Bamboo Comics/Takeshobo), written by Akihiro Ononaka, will be serialized in "Storia Dash" from 2019. It is a comedy work about an ordinary girl, Hiiragi Utena, who loves magical girls, but one day she suddenly becomes "the female leader of an evil organization.

"Intense SM play" between justice and evil? The TV anime "Longing for a Magical Girl" will start airing in January 2024! Additional cast includes Aoi Koga and Shiori Sugiura.

⇒Click here for the list of 2024 winter anime.

The synopsis, advance cut, and webcast of the fourth episode "Strongest Idol Tres Magia, " which will air on January 24 (Wed.), have been released.

The synopsis, advance cuts, and web preview are now available!

■Episode 4 "Strongest Idol Tres Magia

Tres Magia's activities are not only to defeat the evil organization "Enormita," but also to conduct media activities. One day, while they were shooting a photo shoot for a magazine, Böse and Leopold showed up as usual. The three challenge each other to battle in order to keep the peace in the city.

WEB Trailer

Work Information
TV animation " Longing for a Magical Girl
<Broadcast Information

Broadcasting from January 3 (Wed.) on TOKYO MX, AT-X, etc!
AT-X Every Wednesday from 23:30
Repeat broadcast] Every Friday from 11:30 / Every Tuesday from 17:30
TOKYO MX Every Wednesday from 25:30
BS11 every Wednesday from 25:30
Sun TV every Wednesday from 25:30
KBS Kyoto every Wednesday from 26:00
Broadcast start date and time are subject to change.

The first and fastest terrestrial distribution will be made on dAnime Store!
Other distribution sites will follow in order. Check each distribution site for details.
dAnime Store every Wednesday from 24:00

I, Hiiragi Utena, am an ordinary girl who loves magical girls.
One day, I met a mascot who seemed to give me the power to transform and cast a mysterious spell on me!
I thought, "Now I can be a magical girl, too!

What? What's with this outfit?
What do you mean she's the female leader of an evil organization?
What's going to happen to me now~~?

A shy, kind-hearted girl who is a fan of magical girls turns into a sadistic one!
Intense SM play between justice and evil(!?) Let's start!

Director : Rito Suzuki, Atsushi Otsuki
Series composition : Noboru Kimura
Character Design : Naka Otaki
Art Director : Yoshito Watanabe
Color Designer : Shuji Kamimura
Director of Photography : Ryo Kujirai
Sound Director : Tetsu Motoyama
Sound Effects : Yoko Sakurai
Sound Production : Dax Production
Music : Koji Takanashi, Akiya Suzuki, Johannes Nicholson
Music Production : Lantis
Animation Production: Asahi Production

Hiiragi Utena/evil female cadre: Izumi Fuka
Ararawa Kiwi/Leopard : Aoi Koga
Korisu Morino / Nero Alice : Shiori Sugiura
Haruka Hanabishi/Madia Magenta : Kaori Maeda
Saya Mizugami/Madia Azul : Mayuko Kazama
Kaoruko Amakawa/Madia Sulpha : Umizaki Ikeda
Venalita : Misato Fukuen

Anime official website :#
Anime official X (former Twitter): #

Original work information

Magical Girl Longing" (Bamboo Comics/Takeshobo)
Written by Akihiro Ononaka
Currently serialized in Storia Dash ( # )!
Volumes 1-11 are now on sale!

(c)Akihiro Ononaka, Takeshobo / Magical Girl Longing Production Committee

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