TV Animation "ONE PIECE" Egghead Arc OP "Ass! & ED "Dear sunrise" is a song that could be written because it continues to evolve! Interview with Hiroshi Kitadani & Maki Ootsuki
The TV anime "ONE PIECE" marked the 25th anniversary of its broadcast and the egghead version started in January. Its new opening theme and ending theme have been attracting a lot of attention.
The new opening theme, "Aass! is sung by Hiroshi Kitadani, who has sung the opening theme of "ONE PIECE" many times before. The new ending theme "Dear sunrise" will be sung by Maki Ootsuki. Fans of the work must have felt a rush of excitement when they heard the names of these two singers. Speaking of Kitadani-san and Otsuki-san, 25 years ago they sang the first opening theme "We Are! and the ending theme "memories" 25 years ago, and now, on their 25th anniversary, they are back again as the strongest tag team.
Akiba Research Institute conducted an interview with the two. We asked them about their songs, their thoughts on the fact that they will be singing the theme song again on the 25th anniversary, and the opening and ending videos of the anime.
The opening video has been viewed more than 10 million times! The ending video is also very emotional for the "number of people" in the audience!
--The last time we interviewed Mr. Dakedani for "OVER THE TOP" was in 2019, when the TV anime "ONE PIECE" was celebrating its 20th anniversary. Five years have passed since then.
KITADANI It has passed in the blink of an eye, hasn't it?
--And now, the two singers who sang the opening and ending songs of the first series have come together again.
Kitadani: It's hot that these two sing as the anime celebrates its 25th anniversary. I honestly thought, "This is where it's going to happen! I honestly thought, "I'm so happy that we were able to do it with these two.
Otsuki: I was really happy too.
--The opening and ending of the anime with their music is also very impressive.
Kitadani: Well, Toei Animation did a great job. I heard that it took them until just before the deadline to make the frame layout and the drawing style. There are YouTube videos that discuss how amazing it is, and some people say there are quite a few spoilers if you watch it in slow motion. And the official YouTube opening video has already had over 10 million views. That's what you're thinking, isn't it?
Otsuki: I watch it over and over again.
Kitadani: I am very happy that the response from overseas has been so positive and that our songs have been accepted around the world, and I think we have made a good start for our 25th anniversary.
--I think it was a good start for the 25th anniversary.
KITADANI That's right. (The way his clothes changed (to match his past appearances) was very moving.
Otsuki: You have to like it to make it.
KITADANI Really. Both the opening and the ending are overflowing with love.
--The ending image also makes me cry. It's not fair.
Otsuki: I saw it for the first time on air on January 7, and when it started from (Luffy's) back, I was like, "Wow! I was like, "Wow!
--I was like "wow!" when it started from the back (of Luffy).
Otsuki: I was deeply moved by the fact that there were 5 of us at the time of "memories" and now there are 10 of us.
--The song tone is reminiscent of "memories".
KITADANI: The fans were absolutely gripped by the song. It's very hot.
Otsuki: It really is amazing.
Aaaaassssss!" has multiple meanings! A surprise reunion with the chorus singers!
--In the following section, we will ask you about the songs in detail. First of all, please tell us about your impression of and attraction to the opening theme "Aaassss! Please tell us about your impression of the song and its appeal.
KITADANI: As I do every time, when I first heard it, I thought, "This is how it's done! I thought, "This is how it's going to be! This song is also from "We Are! There is a pattern in the songs that the three of us make: after the first number, there is a solo instrumental part, and at the very end, we shout out the title of the song. In this case, too, we shouted "All of us! and "All of us!
As with the previous songs, we kept the "excitement" in the song, but also made the most of Kitadani's voice. However, Mr. Tanaka usually writes songs that are perverse in a good sense, with lots of modulations, but this time Mr. Kohei said there were very few gimmicks. But when I transcribed the score, I found that he did a lot of detailed work. As he said, "This time I wrote a piece of music that is a slushy tune," and even though there are few modulations, I never get tired of listening to it over and over again.
Recording was a trial, wasn't it? This time, I tried something I had never done before, which was to play a high "G" note at the end. I had never done a trap beat before, but I also included "Bachi bachi no limit," which is a bit more modern. I think that Kohei, Fujibayashi, and I were able to write this song because we are all continuing to evolve.
--The title of the song, "A-Su! is the "us" as in the lyrics, isn't it? I was thinking that it must be "us" because it has been "wee-ah! etc., I thought it must be "us" because it was "wee (we)," but I also wondered if it also meant "tomorrow" as we move on to the next stage of our lives.
KITADANI: That's right. Weir! and "us! and I think "Tomorrow" in "Tomorrow" is also involved. I think it also means "Earth" of the earth. I heard that the title was originally intended to be "All of us," but Mr. Fujibayashi changed it to "Ah! but Mr. Fujibayashi changed it to "A-Su! This way of writing is easy to remember. It's amazing how he made it unforgettable.
Otsuki: It is memorable, isn't it? When I first heard the title, I thought, "What? What did you say? (laughs).
Kitadani: It is also interesting that there are many "u "s in English. The title is catchy, and the melody is so catchy that it is hard to tell which part is the chorus.
--When you listen to the song in its entirety, there are various changes from the second verse, and everything is made in such a way that you never get tired of it.
KITADANI That's right. For example, the "shake" part of the second verse, "I want to be shaken in the head by common sense," is not a melody but a shout, but this part was changed at the recording site. I thought it would be better to shout it because it is a "shake. I thought it would be better to shout it.
--In the interview for "Over the Top," you also talked about the parts you changed in the recording.
KITADANI Yes, that's right. On the score, we decided to use "O" with no notes. It's a pattern that is often decided on the spot, isn't it?
Otsuki: It's rude to call it "good," but the shout here is beautifully defined and cool.
--The chorus is also impressive. The gospel music by Azumi Takahashi, who sang the chorus, is very solemn and thick.
KITADANI: Ms. Kohei found her by chance; I saw her singing on YouTube at a subway station in New York and contacted her, saying, "I want her to sing.
--I would have been scared if Kohei Tanaka had contacted me out of the blue (laughs).
Otsuki: Is it real? Really? I wondered (laughs).
Kitadani: What's more, by coincidence, she was a student of mine when I was teaching at a vocational school. When she graduates, I always send her off saying, "Let's work hard together in the industry! I always send her off with a "Let's work together in the industry! And it was with "ONE PIECE".
Otsuki: At the timing of the 25th anniversary. Isn't it amazing?
Kitadani: I was surprised. But when the last chorus from her fake starts, the chorus gets another boost. That modulation part is really cool.
Otsuki: It's great!
--How did you feel when you heard the song "Aissu! How did you like it?
Otsuki: I had a chance to listen to it early. I had a chance to listen to it first. And it was sung live by Danny (Kitadani). When I heard it, I thought "What the heck is this song! I was like, "What the heck is this song?
KITADANI: In Ryogoku. It was the day before recording.
Otsuki: The song was so original that I wondered how I should take it. I was surprised that there was someone who could sing so cool like that, and I thought I couldn't do it like that. I had always thought it was amazing every time I had the opportunity to work with him at an event, but now I was like, "Oh my gosh! Danny's coolness was doubled by the "ah-ha! I think it's really a "gourmet" song, so much so that I hum it more times than I hum my own songs.
--It has a different feel to it, but when you listen to it, it's still a "One Piece" song.
KITADANI: The lyrics say "ONE PIECE" (laughs). (Laughs) "We Are! and "We Go! are all in the lyrics, which is amazing. It is a good thing that we put in the titles of anime songs that we used to watch when we were children, and we have created this album while respecting the great anime songs that Japan has to offer.
Not only Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hat gang, but everyone has a smile like the sun!
--Next, let me ask you about the ending theme "Dear sunrise". You also wrote the lyrics. How did you feel when you heard the song?
Otsuki: I received the song first and wrote the lyrics after listening to it, but the song reminded me of "memories". I felt that the song was reminiscent of "memories." It had the atmosphere of an answer song to the world view of "memories" 25 years later. For "memories," I actually wrote the lyrics without knowing anything about "ONE PIECE. But this time, I was completely familiar with it.
KITADANI: I am a big fan.
--In the space of X (formerly Twitter), you said that you were only thinking about everyone in the straw tribe until you finished the lyrics.
Otsuki That's right. At first I was thinking of making it a love letter to Luffy for 25 years, but as I was writing it, I started to care more and more about everyone in the Straw Hat gang. I wrote the lyrics from a fan's point of view, thinking that the fans must be feeling the same way, and I think I was able to write the lyrics with a great sense of distance.
I had one week from the time I received the song until I submitted the first lyrics, and during that week I turned down various invitations and thought only about the Straw Hat gang.
--When I was reading and listening to the lyrics, I felt like I was writing about Luffy and his friends, but at the same time, I felt like this was us who have grown up with "ONE PIECE".
Otsuki: That's exactly what I intend. If you could listen to the song with that feeling, I'm glad I wrote these lyrics.
--I feel like we have all been running together.
Otsuki: Everyone got hurt just like Luffy, and then they got up again. The chorus, "To You Who Smiles Like the Sun," is often asked, "Are you talking about Luffy? But I say, "No, no, no, you guys also laugh when you get better after being down. I say, "No, no, you guys smile when you feel down and then cheer up, don't you? Everyone has that kind of smile.
--The music was composed by Maon Kusaka and Mayumi Kaneko. Mr. Kushita is also in charge of arranging the music.
Otsuki: Arrangements are always a matter of trial and error, but this time we all worked together on the theme of "just be emo. We decided to make it emo anyway (laughs).
KITADANI: It is emo. The small number of notes is conversely good.
--How did you feel when you heard "Dear Sunrise"?
KITADANI: Well, the beginning of the chorus grabbed me. I thought it was amazing that you made the "no" sound the way you did in "Dear sunrise". If I were the composer, I would have usually used "like the sun. But by using "like the sun", a "hoard" is created. This is where I really got into it, because it creates a "tame" and becomes the back of the 16 beats.
And then, "Even if I grow up, I don't want to forget" takes you to the top note, and "Kono (Until my wish comes true)" brings you back down to the bottom note. By lowering the note from the top, you can get the feeling that the singer is holding on to the desire not to forget. I thought this part was also good.
Otsuki: Thank you very much! I am very touched that you listened to me so carefully.
The secret to stay the same is not to be defensive and not to spoil yourself.
-Both of these songs are really filled with 25 years of music. Looking back at yourself 25 years ago, in what areas do you feel you have grown?
KITADANI: I think I have already grown for 25 years. When I listen to "We Are! I was still young and had some naive parts and judgments when I listened to "We Are! But in the 25 years since then, I've done a lot of recording, been in JAM Project, and experienced a lot of performances, and I've grown. I have grown mentally and physically as well. Normally, a 55 year old man can still sing "We Are! I think it is because I have grown up so much that I am able to sing "We Are!
--I think it is because I have grown up so much.
KITADANI: I have come to think that it is better not to be overprotective about it. People who become defensive become weak. That's just my theory.
I also try not to jinx myself. Suppose you have a great live performance when you are wearing red pants. Then, when you forget your red pants, you will feel terrible. ...... If you find out that you don't have red pants, your mentality will be so bad that you won't be able to do anything.
Otsuki: You tend to depend on that jinx. When you forget, it is a great shock, and you blame something else. Normally, I should be able to sing a good song regardless of that.
KITADANI That's right.
--Mr. Otsuki, looking back 25 years ago, how do you feel?
Otsuki: In the past, I used to sing in a state of groping, "Is this the right way for me to sing? I used to sing with a groping feeling, "Is this the way I should sing? But as my singing voice became more established, and people started to say, "You can tell that Maki is singing when you listen to the song," I felt I was able to sing more freely. I was able to sing freely without being bound by anything, without jinxing myself or anything.
I think that what Danny says about "not being too hard on yourself" is the most important thing for you to be your usual self. I am the same way. I have come to think that the most important thing is to always be in my best condition, or rather, to always be myself.
KITADANI It is not easy to always be in your usual state.
Otsuki: Besides, I bet you lead a very stoic life, don't you, Danny? You are up before dawn.
KITADANI That's just because I'm an old man and I wake up early. ...... (laughs)
Otsuki: He is also concerned about his diet.
The food he puts on his website--X is amazing, isn't it?
Otsuki: It really is amazing. And he makes them himself. Even after 25 years, there is someone next door who is still so active and young, who has evolved but (the good parts) have stayed the same, so I think I should learn from her.
Good morning.
Hiroshi Kitadani (@gokigensandany) February 11, 2024
I got up before dawn again today.
This morning's miso soup is
with my favorite leek and egg.
I also grilled salted salmon for a petit luxury.
Come on, let's go! Get ready for work
Through "ONE PIECE" I was able to go all over the world and meet many people!
--Lastly, could you tell us what has been particularly impressive about working on "ONE PIECE" so far?
KITADANI: At first, we didn't know anything about "ONE PIECE" and hadn't even read the manga, but we sang "We Are! and sang "memories", but now we have become a member of the "ONE PIECE" fans, or rather a part of the "ONE PIECE" gang, full of love for "ONE PIECE".
It is still impressive that "ONE PIECE" has become such an amazing anime that has taken me to many places around the world. I think that is partly thanks to the Internet. Even when we went overseas, everyone remembered the song and sang it in chorus. for the first time in LA in January (on stage at "BANDAI CARD GAMES Fest23-24 World Tour"), and everyone sang it to great applause.
Otsuki: "Dear sunrise" was also performed for the first time.
KITADANI: It's great to see a big chorus at a world event. The audience was in the tens of thousands. When the introduction came on, the cheers were like a soccer goal being scored.
Otsuki: The cheers are just unbelievable.
KITADANI: When I start to sing, everyone joins in and sings loudly. 10,000 people against one, it's so loud that my voice is drowned out. I am very happy to have such an experience.
Otsuki: It is very moving, isn't it? Through the songs I sang for "One Piece," especially in the last 10 years, I have been gaining more and more recognition from people overseas. I get a lot of comments from overseas on my YouTube videos. Thanks to that, I have been able to sing in many places and become friends with many people. That was a big impact.
KITADANI: Indeed, through "ONE PIECE" I got to know many people. Including the voice actors. Every year we have a takoyaki party at Mr. Oda's house, and when I visit him there, he asks me if he can take my picture because there are famous people there (laughs). I'm always asked if I can take their picture (laughs).
(laughs) -- No, no, no, you are a celebrity, too, Kitadani-san! (Laughs)
Otsuki: Aside from Danny-san, I can easily make friends with people just by saying, "I'm Otsuki, the singer of Fat Fat," even though they don't know my face. From there, we get to talking and I can talk to all kinds of people.
KITADANI: That is also thanks to "One Piece. I've been involved in the program for 25 years, but it's not often that I get to know the voice actors so well through the program. Even at events, I feel like we are all "friends.
Otsuki: It really seems like the 10 voice actors are all part of the "Straw Hat crew.
Kitadani: In that sense, "One Piece" is an inseparable work for me.
Otsuki: I feel the same way.
(Interview, text, and photography by Kenichi Chiba)
CD Information
TV anime "ONE PIECE" opening theme song by Hiroshi Kitanodani
Release date: April 10, 2024 (Wed.)
Released by: Avex Pictures
Form: CD + Blu-ray or DVD
Price: 2,200 yen (tax included)
Written by Seiko Fujibayashi and composed by Kohei Tanaka, "We Are! composed by Kohei Tanaka with lyrics by Seiko Fujibayashi and music by Kohei Tanaka. Composed by Seiko Fujibayashi, lyrics by Kohei Tanaka
<Blu-ray and DVD contents
Included "ONE PIECE" theme song and the first music video.
TV anime "ONE PIECE" ending theme song "Dear sunrise" by Maki Ootsuki
Release date: April 10, 2024 (Wed)
Publisher: Avex Pictures
Form: CD
Price: 1,650 yen (tax included)
This is the first release since 2016's "Destiny" and includes four songs, including "Dear sunrise.Reminiscent of "memories," this song is filled with 25 years of feelings.
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