Final Fantasy XIV: Golden Legacy" Official Promo Site Opens Today! New information about the new stage "Tral Continent" is also available!

Square Enix released the official promotion site for its latest expansion package "Final Fantasy XIV: Golden Legacy" ("Golden Legacy"), scheduled for release on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, today, May 30 (Thursday).

The site introduces the numerous contents added to "Golden Legacy" with images and text. New information about the "Tral Continent" and the encounters that will be made there is also available.

The site also includes a collection of "Golden Legacy" articles, broadcasts, and other information related to "Golden Legacy".

New Adventures of "Golden Legacy

The Stage for New Adventures

In the "Tral Continent," where the story takes place, various tribes have developed their own unique cultures while forming a single great nation. Many encounters and exciting battles await adventurers.

Two New Jobs

The new jobs "Viper" and "Pictomancer" have been added! With the addition of new actions and the opening of the level cap, the battle system will also evolve further.

Player Race "Rosgal Tribe (Female)

The "Rosgal Tribe (Female)" can now be selected as the player character race. With their strong and supple bodies, the Rosgal have shown themselves to be excellent leaders.

A wide variety of contents

The world of adventure will be further expanded with battle content such as the Alliance Raid "Echoes of Vana'diel" and the Raid series "Arcadia, seat of the Supreme Heaven," as well as the large-scale lifestyle content "Cosmo Explorer" for Gatherers and Crafters.

Golden Legacy" is now available for pre-order!

The Golden Legacy" expands the stage to the "Tral Continent" and starts a "new adventure" for the main characters, with a main storyline equivalent to a full RPG and a lot of new content as mentioned above!

Final Fantasy XIV: Golden Legacy Collector's Edition (Special Binding Edition), which includes the "Golden Legacy" downloadable version, three bonus in-game items from the Collector's Edition, and five items commemorating the release of "Golden Legacy". The package is now available for pre-order.

Pre-orders for "Golden Legacy" will also include in-game items that can be received immediately, Early Access to play "Golden Legacy" prior to its release, and other pre-order benefits.

For more information on "Legacy of Gold" or to pre-order, please visit the official promotion site ( # )