FGO" - How to form a party that can do explosive damage! [Strategy Diary
In this issue, I would like to introduce a party that the author usually uses in his stories.
It is a short-term party with high firepower, combining the skills of three people.
It can do a lot of damage depending on the situation.
It may be difficult to create the same party due to the number of Servants in your possession and their levels, but I hope it will be helpful for you in organizing your own party.
So, without further ado, here we go!
A super firepower party where three people's skills mesh
That short-lived party is composed of "Merlin," "Elisabeth Bathory," and "Berserker of Eldorado.
The three on the right of the image do not appear in this article and are of no particular significance.
Here are the roles of each Servant.
This is "Merlin," a major figure in the support world.
He supports the other two with his skills.
Attacker #1: "Elisabeth Bathory".
Her skill to increase attack power will raise the level of her firepower.
Attacker #2: "Berserker of Eldorado.
Her skill also supports firepower.
The master's magic equipment is "Fragment of 2004".
He makes full use of his firepower.
Use attack power ups at once to generate high firepower.
This party has a large number of attack power-up skills, so you can decide the game at once with strong attack power.
You can see two "El Dorado" Busters on the command card in the lower right of the image. With these, you want to attack with increased firepower!
Use all attack power up skills.
Elisabeth's skill "Charisma of Tolerance A" is a powerful attack power up skill.
The effect is "increase the attack power of all all allies & increase the attack power of all female allies except yourself".
In addition to increasing the attack power of all allies, "Berserker of Eldorado" can pile on yet another attack power increase, contributing greatly to increasing firepower.
Other attack power increases are also stacked on everyone using "Merlin's" "Dreamy Charisma A" and "Eldorado's" "Charisma B" and "Military God's Roar A+".
The result is "Eldorado" with greatly increased firepower.
The Buster performance-enhancing conceptual gift also matches this party.
Aggressively select "Eldorado's" Buster card and attack with high firepower.
Star concentration and critical power up skills create explosive power!
This party can not only increase overall firepower by increasing attack power, but also produce instantaneous explosive damage.
In the image above, two "El Dorado" Buster cards can be seen in the lower right corner. Hmmm... I am going to wipe out the enemy in one turn by producing massive damage all at once!
I will use the Master Equipment skill "Code:U".
By "increasing the star concentration of a single Buster card", all the scattered stars will be gathered into the Buster card of "Eldorado".
In addition, "Merlin's" Skill 3 "Hero Creation EX" applies "Buster Performance Up & Critical Power Up" to Eldorado.
This "Code:U" and "Hero Creation EX" go very well together.
The synergistic effect of "gathering stars to Buster to generate a critical hit, and then boosting its firepower" allows the player to create massive damage in a single turn.
In addition, at the end of the battle, use the "Code: F" skill on your master equipment to boost the power of your treasure tool.
Explosive damage after explosive damage.
Only this party can do this!
Star Concentration and Critical Power Upgrade for Explosive Damage!
The following is a summary of the party that can produce explosive damage!
A super firepower party where the skills of all three members work together!
This time, the three members are supporter "Merlin", attackers "Elisabeth" and "Eldorado".
The master equipment "Fragment of 2004" is also recommended for firepower.
Use the attack power up at once to generate high firepower.
The female "Eldorado" is given two attack power-ups by "Charisma of Tolerance A" of "Elisabeth".
The attack power increases of "Merlin" and "Eldorado" also contribute to their respective firepower.
Star Concentration and Critical Power Up skills generate explosive power!
The "Code: U" skill concentrates stars on Buster and produces a critical hit. Hero Creation EX" further increases the firepower of Buster and Critical.
The synergistic effect of the two can inflict massive damage in a single turn.
I hope you can use this as a reference to come up with your own strong party! (Shon Kobayashi)
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