Pokémon GO: Pokémon from the Shin-Ou Region Added! Do you have enough candy? Strategy Diary
As of February 1, 2019, there are new Pokémon that can evolve. What Pokémon can now evolve?
Many additional elements such as eggs, evolution destinations, etc!
New Pokémon from the Shin-Oh region have been added since the early morning of February 1, 2012.
Pokémon from the Shin-Oh region can now be obtained from eggs, making it even easier to collect Pokémon from the Shin-Oh region.
What do I need to evolve?
All Pokémon with new evolutionaries require a "Shin-Oh stone" to evolve.
Let's battle with your friends to collect as many as possible!
The following is a list of Pokémon for which an evolutionary target has been added!
Monjala has an additional evolutionary target.
A new evolutionary target for Veloringa has been added.
However, the author is unable to press the "Evolve" button because he does not have enough candy of "Berolinga".
Since Vero Linga appears very rarely, I am having a hard time collecting the candy.
I really want to evolve it! If you really want to evolve your Veroringa, you can do so by repeatedly fighting raid battles and collecting "Mysterious Candy".
This is Kirlia. Up until now, it could only evolve into a Sir Knight.
Decide which Pokémon to evolve into which Pokémon as needed, such as in Raid Battles or Gym Battles.
Yanma can now evolve as well.
It too cannot evolve due to a lack of candy, but what about you?
As shown in the image above, you can also check where your Pokémon can evolve in the Pictorial Book.
How to find a Pokémon that can evolve
When you want to evolve a Pokémon, it is difficult to tap the Pokémon one by one to check.
Enter "evolve" in the search window, and Pokémon that already have the necessary items for evolution, such as candy, will be displayed at once.
This method is recommended if you want to evolve various Pokémon at once.
New Pokémon that appear
Pokémon that could not be caught before, such as Tater Tops and Honeydew, have begun to appear.
Pokémon that you have never caught before appear at the top of the "Pokémon Nearby" list, making it easy to find them in the vicinity.
We can't wait to catch new Pokémon!
It is still exciting when new evolutions or new Pokémon that can be encountered are added.
Since most of the Pokémon added this time could not evolve, I regret that I should have collected Shin-Oh stones and Pokémon candy in case of an emergency.
Let's get lots of Pokémon and let them evolve as they go! (Sasahime)
©2018 Niantic, Inc. ©2018 Pokémon. ©1995-2018 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
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