Pokémon Direct 2019.2.27 will be broadcast today, February 27 at 23:00!
Pokémon Inc. announced that it will broadcast "Pokémon Direct" today, Wednesday, February 27, at 23:00.
At 23:01 yesterday, February 26 (Tue.), the official Pokémon Twitter posted the following tweet: "Pokémon Direct will be broadcast on February 27 (Wed.) at 23:00! was posted.
Pokemon Direct will be broadcast on Wednesday, February 27 at 23:00! # #PokémonDirect pic.twitter.com/0IDOErlhUX-
Official Pokémon Twitter (@Pokemon_cojp) February 26, 2019
The special site ( # ) mentioned in the tweet reads, "On Wednesday, February 27 at 23:00, Pokémon Direct 2019.2.27" will be broadcast. The broadcast will last approximately 7 minutes." The website states. In addition to the special website, "Pokémon Direct 2019.2.27" will also be broadcast on Yotuube and Nico Nico Live.
The broadcast will be broadcast live on Yotuube and Nico Nico Live, so watch out for what new information about "Pokémon" will be revealed!
Broadcast Information
Pokémon Direct 2019.2.27
Broadcast date and time: Wednesday, February 27, from 23:00
・Distribution page:
Special website: #
Youtube: #
Nico Nico Live Broadcast:#
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