AnimeJapan 2019] The live broadcast of the live performance was also a big hit! Report on the special "ARP" booth, which also featured stories and footage of the anime currently in production.
Almost a week has passed since AnimeJapan 2019, which took place on March 23 and 24, 2019, but Akiba Research Institute's report article is not over yet! This time we bring you a special booth for virtual artist ARP, which was set up in the Asmik Ace booth. In celebration of the anime adaptation, there was a live video screening and a live broadcast live with a talk by ARP's producer, Akari Uchida. The two days were well worth seeing and hearing, including stories related to the first-announced anime and behind-the-scenes stories of ARP members.

The ARP members are four high school boys who attend the International School of Music (ISM) Yokohama. From left to right, Dia and Reiji from the two-member unit "Rebel Cross," Leon and Shinji as solo performers. Shinji and Dia are in the same grade, while Reiji and Leon are one year younger.

What you see on the screen above is an illustration, but the reality is this: these children were created using AR technology, and the main feature is that they are not just being played back, but their movements are motion-captured in real time during the live performance. They can even interact with the audience just like human artists!
What is "ARP"? If you are wondering what "ARP" is, check this article!
I was able to see the animation video! Live Video Screening" featuring Uchi-P
First, let's take a look at the "Live Video Screening" held on the 23rd. Even though they are going to be adapted into an anime, there are still many people who do not know about ARP, which is mainly active in live performances. In order to help people get to know ARP, the general producer, Mr. Akari Uchida (hereafter referred to as "Uchi-P"), appeared at the screening, which was held four times in total. Each session featured one ARP member at a time, and we were able to hear their personal stories as well as rare stories about how they were scouted for ARP. The first interview was supposed to be for the first show, but the whole show was so interesting that I ended up watching the whole show, (Laughs). There were so many interesting stories that I ended up watching all of them.

When I arrived early in the morning, there were about 5 people in front of the stage, so Uchi-P (photo right) said he felt like he was talking to about 5 people. In fact, there were so many people that even this picture doesn't do it justice!

The style of the talk was to delve into one person at a time, so the talk was interspersed with live footage of each member's own songs and unit songs.
The first talk featured Shinji, the leader of ARP. Shinji, whose parents are well-known members of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, is a thoroughbred who has played the violin, piano, and ballet since childhood, and he was the head of the International School of Music (ISM) in Yokohama. However, she had a nervous disposition, and at the beginning of her debut, she sometimes did not look people in the eye and talk to them. However, as he performed more and more live shows, he changed more and more. His talent as a performer, which he had always harbored, has awakened, and he has such potential that he has recently awakened his abilities as a comic actor and rakugo performer as well. He is a perfectionist and does not show his efforts to others, but it is clear that he is working very hard, and Uchi-P highly praises him as a dependable guy who is elite, but has guts and a solid way of thinking!

Although he is a prince character, he is cute in that he hates to lose and gets angry. He is also a natural, and the more you get to know him, the cuter he becomes.
The second performer featured was Dia. She may look like an orahora type, but she is also everyone's aniki-bun and a motherly figure. Dia has been hanging out with Rage since elementary school, and they still live together in the same dorm room. She is stoic about music, but in her daily life, she is a very kind and gentle person who always takes care of Rage, who does nothing. Before joining ARP, Dia formed a band called "CROSS BONE" with Rage, which made a name for itself in the indie music scene, and when Uchi P saw their achievements, he recruited them to join ARP with Rage. At the time, he thought he was the kind of guy that if you bumped shoulders with him on the street, you would just have to apologize and run away, but after talking to him a lot, he changed his impression to a really nice guy who is very serious about his art and takes good care of himself. He is also a good cook and has a sensitive side, as he is also in charge of designing ARP's costume logo and goods.

Recently he has been getting teased by the members more and more, and although he looks like this (laughs), his cuteness is getting better and better. Hearing Uchi-P's story, MC Mr. Hoshino said, "It's nice to hear Dia-kun being praised! He was so happy to hear that. Dia is adored too much!
Rage, who was scouted along with Dia, was discussed to the fullest in the third session. Rage's public profile does not disclose her height, weight, or gender, but Uchi-P dropped a bombshell by saying, "I'm going to reveal her height! To his surprise, Rage's height is 130 cm. No, that's definitely not true (laughs). The reason for this kind of teasing is that Rage is the shortest of the four members, and he is the only one who wears high heels when wearing the same outfit, so he is a bit concerned about his height. He is stoic and particular about music, and is the most artist-like person in ARP. He expresses various opinions to Uchi-P as well, so there are times when they clash. He also calls producers and composers by their first names, and is a bit cheeky, but Uchi-P respects him for his attitude as an artist.

When reading out the ARS emails on the radio, Shinji, Dia, and Leon say "thank you," but Reiji is silent, which is his basic style; according to Hoshino, who is also a navigator on ARP's radio, he says that he says thank you with his mouth full!
The last performer of the live screening was "ARP's fantasista," Leon! With a Japanese father and a Brazilian mother, Leon has a great deal of physical ability, probably due in part to his blood, and he can do just about anything by imitation, regardless of the dance variation. He is also a vocalist with a four-octave range, making him a perfect singer and dancer. The charm of this perfect Leon is his gap. When he starts talking, he speaks in a lispy Kansai dialect and is a bit silly. He chews a lot during talks, and at the live "KICK A'LIVE2" held in January 2019, he sang the fastest song Leon ever wrote by himself, "SHAKE! I also chewed while singing the song "SHAKE! The reason for his defeat was that he included the fast words "raw barley, raw rice, raw egg" in the lyrics, but whether he failed or succeeded, the audience was thrilled. Leon must have been born with the ability to produce a show in which he sings, dances, and speaks in a way that brings everyone around him into Leon's world. Leon came to ARP a little later than the other members, but I am very glad that he became an ARP member!

The second song, "SHAKE!!!" written by Leon, following "FANTASISTA", was produced by Uchi-P and the composer's flatmates. was written by Leon for the second time after "FANTASISTA." Neither Uchi-P nor composer Shoichiro Hirata gave advice on the song, but decided to leave it to Leon. Leon, who did not know this, was initially angry and said, "They don't do anything for me! But the music he wrote was a surprise to both Uchi-P and Hirata because he knew exactly how to present himself and what the fans wanted. Genius, after all!
The title of the anime was also announced at the live screening. The title is "ARP BackstagePass. It will focus on the four ARP members in their everyday lives off stage, following their history in a documentary style, and will be a drama that will include what they were thinking behind the scenes and what happened to them, as well as their conflicts. Since it is an animated film, there are some embellishments and beautifications, but it will be interesting to learn more about ARP that we don't know yet! While I was thinking about all this, suddenly Uchi P said let's play a test video of the production in progress, and Shinji's live stage scene was shown to the public. The audience cheered the loudest at this point (laughs).

It is a little afterimage and not well photographed, but I want to put it on the site because it is cute! It looks a little different from the real thing, but it is an animated piece! The video is still in production, so they will be brushing it up more in the future!
And there is one more thing I must mention. The screening I have just described is a normal one, but due to "something", all the people gathered here turned out to be a bit of a strange group. After Rage had mentioned many times on the radio and at live performances that he loves freeze-dried miso soup, Amano Foods, a well-known freeze-dried food company, agreed to collaborate with us! I am so grateful to Amano Foods. I am grateful to Amano Foods from the bottom of my heart. ...... What a surprise, Uchi-P asked us all to shout out our thanks. In the fourth screening, he even made the audience turn around diagonally to the back to tell the Amano Foods employees who would have been in the back (laughs). The mysterious words "Thank you, Amano Foods" echoed throughout the anime festival. Is this booth the best?

Freeze-dried miso soup made in collaboration with Amano Foods was distributed around the booth. Many people were taking them for the miso soup, so it must have been a great opportunity to let people know about ARP!

In addition to the freeze-dried miso soup, the bags contained a special coaster and paper. The illustration on the paper is also from an animated film, but the most striking is the black-haired, glasses-wearing Shinji before his debut. Shinji changed his image when he debuted as an ARP and became the talk of the town at school.

The coaster also has a trick, where you can listen to Rage's limited voice by reading the QR code on the back of the coaster!

By the way, Reiji eats the freeze-dried miso soup as it is, without dissolving it in hot water. The miso soup for shijimi clam also contains shellfish, so it might be bad if she gobbles it up," Uchi-P was concerned. Uchi-P was worried about it. Please don't imitate Rage!
The temperature of the venue rose! Live broadcast of the "Rebel Cross Show
This is already a voluminous report, but we are only halfway through! Here are some highlights of the "Rebel Cross Show," the super highlight of the event held on the 24th. The ARP members, who are also high school boys, are in the middle of their spring break. With Shinji off to Europe to see his parents and Leon back home in Kobe, Dia and Reiji's unit "REBEL CROSS" appeared live this time, connecting the Yuke's office in Yokohama to the Anime Japan venue, on the radio broadcast on January 5, 2019, Dia had mentioned that she wanted to have more one-man shows and live performances by REBEL CROSS, and it seems like this live performance has already made it happen!

This live show was clearly more crowded than the live screening of Uchi-P's performance on the 23rd! (LOL).

The two members of "Rebel Cross" are wearing live costumes in the conference room of the office! They are wearing live costumes in the conference room of the office.

They look into the monitor to see what is going on at the venue. Immediately after, Dia spots a girl in fishnet tights, saying, "There's a guy wearing fishnet tights. Rage says to her, "You always get caught up in things like fishnet tights, don't you? But he is asked why they stand out. The answer is, "Because there are fishnet tights there. What kind of alpinist is he?
Each of the three "Rebel Cross Show" sessions consisted of a talk and a live performance. The talks were about the members, miso soup, and so many other things that it would be impossible to write about them all, so this time I will focus on the contents related to the animation production. What left the biggest impression on me was my first experience in postrecording. Speaking of postrecording, I was worried that Leon, who has trouble speaking smoothly, might not be able to speak without biting his tongue, but to my surprise, Shinji was the one who bit the most. Since the postrecording has just started, the perfectionist Shinji must practice and perfect his dubbing so that he can do it perfectly! And according to a tip from Dia, who watches Shinji closely, he gives a quick bang before he speaks his lines. I'd like to see the recording session!

Reiji usually has a big attitude toward Uchi-P and composer Hirata-san, but at the recording studio, he is like a borrowed cat. When exposed to such a thing, he angrily said, "Not at all, a stray cat! When Dia continued to tease him, he scoffed and said, "What else do you want me to say? He sulked, "I'm only going to say, 'What? When Rage asked him to apologize, he said, "Am I supposed to apologize? I was so moved by the gentle voice of Dia who said she was sorry and wished she had a boyfriend like him.
Normally, the postrecording is done with one or two microphones, with the person saying the lines switching from one microphone to the other. The production staff of the animation, as well as the adults who are around ARP at live performances and on the radio, are all kind people! And all the ARP kids are nice!

Reiji says "I want to quit" because the dubbing was so difficult (laughs). Since Rage is played by Rage, it's always Rage who is right and can go through the director's instructions or even ....... Who is close to becoming a stray cat!
Beyond the discussion of postrecording, Rage also issued some problems with the character designs. He said that the three characters, with the exception of Rage, were too beautified. In particular, he said that the degree of beautification of Dia and Leon was so bad that they needed to be made more realistic. Incidentally, the animators are having trouble with Rage's character design. The reason is that no matter how beautifully they write the character, they cannot beautify the originally beautiful Rage. After this, he murmured in a calm voice, "What are you talking about? Dia murmured in a calm voice, "What are you talking about?

Rage is a being that came down to earth (laugh), so I don't disagree that she is beautiful! But still, Dia is always so gentle even when she is called too beautiful or "a borrowed gorilla, a borrowed gorilla" in response to a borrowed cat.
Since the event was broadcast live, the talk was lively, with ARS in the audience answering questions and exchanging ideas with the audience. I wish this time could have gone on forever, but it was time to come to an end. The last song of the evening was a live performance of Rebel Cross' song "rrrrrrrrrrride On ! by REBEL CROSS. Everyone was dancing and the venue was getting more and more heated up. The author was in a similar position in the back, but the ARS heat was tremendous during the last times, and the temperature around me became higher and hotter (laugh). Since it was through the monitor, I wondered how good it would be, but it was more fun than I had imagined. Maybe this style of live performance will be planned in the future. Of course, a live concert is the best, but I think it is a good way to convey the real-time excitement to those who cannot make it to the venue.

Before moving on to the performance, Rebel Cross gave a lecture on the choreography that we all do together. This is how they teach us at the actual live performance, so there is no need to worry even if it is your first time! And it's okay if you make a mistake!
If you are interested in ARP, check out the new program and "REWIND!
At the REBEL CROSS live broadcast, I saw many passersby stopping to watch the show. I heard them (men) saying, "You move so naturally," and I thought to myself, "Yes, yes, yes, yes," but I don't want them to be impressed by something like this! ARP's live performance is 10, 20, or even more amazing than what you see here! For those who are not familiar with ARP, ARP uses AR technology, but all the motion capture and rendering is done simultaneously with the live performance. Moreover, the character is played by three people: a V cast member who talks and sings, an A cast member who moves and dances, and a technical staff member who adjusts hair, clothes, and other movements. Each of these professionals is in charge of a character, so the dancing and singing are top-notch. Knowing this technique, it is truly impressive to see a live performance. It's a very difficult job, but it's done without any sense of discomfort, a divine feat. And they are so ordinary that you forget about the behind-the-scenes stuff.

I had no idea about any of the songs at first, but I was so excited with my companion that the whole performance was over before we could even get to know anything about it!
The show is performed in real time, so you can interact with the audience. You will actively interact with ARS during the talk as well. The best part of ARP Live is the "battle song," in which two performers compete in a performance, but it is the audience that decides who wins. The winner is determined by the number of points awarded to the Performer they wish to cheer for by shaking their smartphone, which has downloaded a special application (Furefre), in the same way as playing a sound game. The feeling of performing live together with the performers and the plotless story that unfolds are the main attractions of ARP Live.

The "battle song" is the most exciting part of an ARP live performance. The heat is so intense in person that it brings tears to your eyes as you watch them sing their hearts out!
If you want to know more about ARP's live performance, check out the report!
If you can't get a sense of ARP's charm through videos and photos, please experience them live. However, since they have only performed live twice a year so far, in January and August, if things continue as usual, the live show is still a long way off. If you want to experience the feel of a live show, you might want to check out ARP REWIND5 on April 13, 14, 20, and 21, 2019, featuring a director's cut of the live "KICK A'LIVE2" show from January 2019. Regular tickets will be on sale to the general public from April 3, 2019, so check the official website for more information!
■ Check the official website!
In addition, ARP's regular terrestrial program "ARP AFTER SCHOOL PARADISE" (also known as "Aspara") will start every Wednesday on TOKYO MX from April 3, 2019. Although the broadcast time is short (21:54-22:00), the four members gather in a karaoke room after school and watch videos of their live performances, which are introduced by the members themselves. This is a great program to get to know the atmosphere of the live performance and the ARP members, so please take a look at it!

At the viewing corner set up in the special booth, visitors were able to listen to the theme song for the new program "ARP AFTER SCHOOL PARADISE. It is interesting to note that what happens at the live show leads to the next live show and other things, as the two winners of the "Battle Song" can sing this theme song as well!

Incidentally, Dia and Leon won the rights to the theme song for the new show, which will also be distributed starting April 3, 2019, so look forward to it!
The booth was full of cute exhibits!
Although I have mainly introduced the event, the exhibition that could be seen at all times was also excellent. There was a recreation of a classroom with two desks, and as soon as I saw them, I was so excited to see that they were Rage and Leon's seats, which were next to each other. I was super excited. However, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a joint exhibition with another Asmik Ace work (the Hyperdimension Revolution anime "Dimension High School") (laugh).

Next to the stage was a full-body panel of ARP members, and I found Tintin (a fan of Leon's) holding a ribbon tie he had just gotten at a sales event over the panel and taking a picture of it so that it looked like his favorite member was wearing it! Are the fans of the genius (Leon) also geniuses?

There is a chalk illustration of ARP on the blackboard in the center of the room, and if you could follow this flow, you might be forgiven for thinking "two desks side by side = Rage and Leon's desks"!

Because, look at this! On the desk on the left was a scribble that read "Miso soup is delicious, isn't it? That's Rage! (I was so excited I didn't realize it at the time, but the handwriting is totally different)

(I was so excited that I didn't realize at the time that the handwriting was totally different.) I was there before the general admission, so I saw it in its untouched state! The pencil box on the right side was messy, so I asked the Yuke's publicist, "Isn't that Leon's desk?" (but I also thought it might not be Leon's desk because there was no eraser).
And the highlights of this display area are the calligraphy and lockers! Let's take a look at the calligraphy first. He was told to write "Heisei" since it is the last year of the Heisei Era, but only Rage wrote "Miso soup". For Reiji, who has already seen the future, it means ...... even if he writes something that will end. Also, did you notice that there is a mistake in this article, and if you are ARS, the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the word "mistake" is the book of Leon. Yes, that is correct! In addition to the name being written on the right side of the page, you forgot the "," in "成". But that's what Leon is all about, isn't it? (I'm complimenting you.)

(I'm complimenting him.) I thought he must have put a lot of effort into writing the diamonds, because only the diamonds are written in bold, but to my surprise, he was forced to write them with a thick brush. The staff is quite a clever one!
The locker that drew the largest crowd in the exhibition area was full of "cute" things, and I couldn't stop taking pictures of it! The lockers are reproductions of ARP members' lockers, but according to the story told at the "Rebel Cross Show," they are not exact replicas of the actual lockers. They say it is just a figment of their imagination, but the reproduction must be very accurate because the feedback was very realistic, such as "Surprisingly, Shinji's locker is not neat and tidy.

The lockers are too long and narrow to take good pictures! I have never wished so much for wider lockers!
These lockers are hard to photograph (lol), but if you look hard enough, you can see that each ...... contained a towel and a hoodie, as well as many other items that show your taste. There was also a bottle of his favorite perfume, and here we found out the brand name of Rage's perfume, which until now had only been disclosed as "Cotton Candy". It is also cute to see the birthday presents given to the members!

Shinji has played the violin and piano since he was a child, and his locker was filled with classical music CDs and high-brand items. But it is nice to see the Ojitei Shinji tenugui (hand towel) and fan given to him by an ARP member in the most conspicuous place!

The diamond lockers are neat and tidy! It's tidy and organized, of course, but it also looks like it has very few things. There are a lot of books, but their lineup is mostly cooking and meat books! I can't help but wonder if they read "Orange Page" a lot, or if the paper is sagging!

There is also a hoodie in Rage's locker, given to him by a member for his birthday, and underneath it is a not-for-sale, diamond-spec black hoodie with an "R" mark! In addition to the freeze-dried miso soup, there are his favorite ramen-flavored snacks and a photo album of cats (with sticky notes). There was also an acorn that Rage had picked up, a treasure trove of goodies for ARS!

Leon's locker, a dazzling yellow, is a jumbled mess! The bottom section is packed with stuff, but there was a stuffed meerkat there. There was also a notebook, a birthday present, which made him look like a cute youngest son!
(Reporting and writing by f-jyoko)
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