It was a gently comfortable, carefully crafted masterpiece. Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastorale - Final Episode "Become a Little Light, Shine" - Yurufu Impressions
In the last episode, I felt that the density of the avant-garde was much less (I checked and found that it was half the length of the previous episode, episode 11, the canon episode).
(I checked and found that it was half the length of the previous episode 11, the Kanon episode.) There was no Sonata, no Kanon, no Fina, no Serena, and no Caro in the Avant. It seemed to represent the void that Sonata, Caro and the other four had lost their energy because their dear friends had closed their hearts and crystallized, and because of that, the light had gone out of the village of Parlel. The fact that the children of the village, the Capris, lamented the absence of Kanon, may have been sensitized to the fact that the village of Parrelle became a little brighter and more cheerful after Kanon arrived and the four of them became five. It is the presence of Kanon that has brought something new from the outside, represented by the movie theater.
Now, since this is the last, I would like to mention a little about the opening theme. The opening theme "Wonderland Girl" is sung by "Bandolier! series, Pastel*Palettes. They are humans, high school students engaged in performing arts, and their singing voices and music beautifully color the world of "Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastorale". Or rather, when watching the show, I was aware that they are the children of "Bandolieri! I was under the impression that the pastel colors and sounds were perfect for a work that depicted the gentle and cheerful daily lives of mermaids.
Although the mermaid world's super idol Chelle appeared in episode 7, the idol element is not so strong in the work "Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastorale" until the middle of the show. It is a story about an idol geek, Mr. Coda, who helps the sonatas with various inventions. However, I think Pastel*Palettes was the weekly embodiment of the existence of idols and the power of songs, which should eventually become a major theme of the work. (Pastel*Palettes is a girl band, but it was created at the behest of an entertainment agency, and the vocalist, Aya Maruyama, is also an idol.) Thank you Pastel*Palettes.
A quiet word of caution. Since the crystallization of Kanon, Caro has become a little bit wilful and a little bit dangerous. Serena is also calm in her words, but inside she is backward with all her might. I feel sorry for Finna, who mainly receives the wind. In the stagnant atmosphere of Parrelle village, a new visitor arrives. It is Ms. Verata, the shell sister of the village sheikh, Mr. Aldi, who has been taking care of Kanon in the city. In the previous article, Episode 11, I wrote, "Ah! This voice is Verata-san, right? I'm so sorry! I wrote, "I'm so sorry," but I couldn't confirm Verata's appearance in the beginning of the episode. I apologize, as Aldi did.
But why did you say, "Ah! It's Ms. Verata, isn't it? Ouch!" I thought, "She manages idols and has harsh words for them, but in fact she cares deeply about them, is experienced, and a bit witchy," and Fumi Hirano's voice fits that image perfectly. It was because of this direct connection with the image that I was able to say, "Ah! It's Ms. Verata, isn't it? There she is! Fumi Hirano's voice! I think that's why I was able to say, "Oh, Verata!
Mr. Aldi asks Sonata and the others to guide the shell sisters, Verata, who have come to the village for the first time in a while. I was worried that they would not be able to convey the goodness of the village of Parrel, where the canon has fallen asleep and the light has gone out, but then I received a letter from someone who would be able to reach Verata's feelings better than anyone else. It was a letter from Kanon, who is now sleeping due to a psychogenic crystallization phenomenon.
The catchphrase for the seal mail, which came in a very slow batch, is "Someday, but you will get it, seal mail. Director Nishimura and producer Shimamura used this phrase as a memorable word before the anime aired, but I did not expect that they would bring it as a key to the final episode. In Parrelle Village, it is not easy to get a phone signal. But did Kanon's words honestly reach Verata, who believed without a doubt that the gastronomic delights of Atlantia's fine restaurants were better than Parrel's boring elbow sandwiches, either by phone or in person? I believe that it was because of the many letters that Kanon wrote, even if they went unanswered, that they reached Verata's and Caro's hearts.
Why was Caro the roughest after Kanon went to sleep? Perhaps they felt guilty that their attitude had driven Kanon away. But for all the sparkling time we spent together since Kanon arrived, eating cake together, rebuilding the cinema, and so on, I thought that Kanon actually wanted to leave the village and go to the city ......, The time and place that had felt like a treasure until then must have felt faded. And I thought that Caro must have been the most sensitive, immature, and still the most childish person to chew up and digest those feelings inside herself. Perhaps it was Verata who went to the city with her heart worn out in that way, found new value in that place, and became an adult.
Until now, Sonata and her friends have been,
1. "We all have a good time together in the village."
2. "leave the village and sing their favorite songs.
The two options were noisy in terms of which of the two options was better for the sleeping canon: 1. "I'll go to the village and have fun with everyone" or 2. And the words did not reach Kanon's heart. Here I would like to remind you of the first episode, the words that reached the heart of the kanon who underwent the crystallization phenomenon. Do you remember them? Don't you think that Sonata's words were the trigger? I reviewed the scene and confirmed it, was a little horrified, and then grinned. Let me explain in writing.
[From the ~Anime "Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastorale" - Episode 1
Caro: "What, (Kanon) is going to live in Parrel Village?"
Aldi "Well, if he wants to. I'll have to hear what he thinks."
Here, the crystallized Kanon's heart cracks. It was Aldi's words that triggered her to open up to the new options that appeared before her and how to proceed, and that Kanon herself can and should choose her own path. Aldi's stance has always been consistent. This was followed by Sonata's words.
Sonata "(Stunned) Pretty girl ...... ah."
Kanon wakes up.
Sonata says, "Kanon, I mean ......"
Here slowly Kanon looks at Sonata, and as their eyes meet, the crystals shatter with a pitter-patter sound. The next moment, Kanon was hugging Sonata with her whole body. Oh, I replayed it so far, but Sonata didn't say anything good about it. Kanon began to open up when Aldi told her that she could stay here and make her own choices, and next, when the village's simple but beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, beautiful girl mermaid called herself "beautiful girl" and "my name is Kanon ......," she was full of energy! She was so full of energy that she jumped out of the crystal.
The interpretation of this scene depends on the person. I was reminded of the scene in the movie theater when Kanon casually held Sonata's hand. Those of us who have watched all 12 episodes of the series think that Kanon is a very nice girl, but when she first appeared in the series, she said to a person she had just met for the first time who expressed concern, "There's nothing here, is there? I can't seem to get a signal on my cell phone.
If Kanon was torn between her contradictory wishes to "stay here in this village with the five of us (and Sonata) forever" and "sing my favorite song in the city," it's no wonder she didn't wake up until now unless they were resolved. It was essentially a situation of complete limbo, but it was Ms. Verrata who broke the deadlock. As one would expect from someone who has been watching Kanon for so long, she doesn't have a witch-like voice. The third option that Verrata presented, which canon would have wanted, was,
3. "I want to stand on stage with everyone I love and sing my favorite songs.
The third option was "I want to stand on stage with everyone I love and sing the songs I love. Here, Kanon's wish to sing was extended to an option for her five friends. Sonata and her friends seriously face this "possibility" (which, in this story, should be taken into account that this is not what Kanon wanted to do). While Sonata and Serena shy away, Caro and Fina are very positive. As the four of them swam through the village with the canon in their arms while talking about such things, it was Caro who was the first to smile and start singing. Immediately, Sonata, Finna, and Serena begin to smile and sing. Their singing brightens up the whole village. This is where the "mysterious atmosphere that brightens the surroundings just by being around Caro," which was discovered by the professional cameraman during the filming of the movie, comes alive. I'm so glad.
The next scene is the movie theater we all built together. To the sound played by the restored and battered Kine-Orb, the four of them sang together their favorite song, "Shabon," which Kanon had wanted to sing. In the process, the kine-orb was shattered. The small purple kineorb must have been a symbol of Kanon's heart, and at the same time a symbol of the crystals that covered her closed heart.
The music ceases. Do you remember the excitement you felt when the music was cut off at a concert due to some trouble, and the artist and the audience sang along a cappella? If you don't remember, I suggest you watch episode 7 of "Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastorale.
Eventually, Kanon woke up in response to the four a cappella singers' voices echoing through the village. To the sound of their singing, a group of children jumped in, yearning to see the movie theater that the five had revived. What the adults have watched over and created by the sonatas will now be inherited by Capri and the other children.
Time moves on. Ferma and Aldi (same BGM as in the first episode!) are going about their usual daily lives in the village of Parrel when a letter arrives in the seal mail. It contains a notice of a live concert, but the date of the concert is today. Again, the seal mail is a mail with the "someday you will get it" as its specialty. It is too late to go to the site, and it used to be a matter of course that there was no cell phone signal or TV broadcast in the village of Parlel.
But today, in the village of Parrel, there are young people who used to be children who admired Sonata and his friends. Capri, Adele, Natura, and the genius inventor Coda were ready for the first live viewing and live simultaneous broadcast in Parrelle Village.
Standing on the sparkling stage behind the screen were five mermaids and a mascot.
The mascot was standing on a sparkling stage behind the screen.
As the closing roll began with the familiar intro, "Shabong" (Colorful Pastorale ver.), sung by the five members, began to play for the first time.
Oh, right, it was the name of the unit. At last, the first mystery and foreshadowing had been collected.
In conclusion, no matter what anyone says, I think this is a great masterpiece.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
(Text by Kiri Nakazato)
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