The anime "Kawayagi Shoujo" is currently airing, and additional appearances by Sayuri Yahagi, Rikako Aida, Misaki Kuno, and Sumire Uesaka have been confirmed for a special event to be held in December!
The cast of "Kawayagi Shoujo," currently airing on MBS, TBS, and BS-TBS "Anime-ism" slot, has been announced for a special event to be held on Sunday, December 15, 2019, with additional appearances.
The "Willow Girl" is based on a manga by Masakuni Igarashi, which is serialized in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (Kodansha). Nanako Yukihira (CV. Kana Hanazawa), a girl who is so soft-spoken that she writes 575 lines of willow to communicate with others, and Eiji Busujima (CV. Yu Hatanaka), a former delinquent boy who, despite his yankee appearance, is gentle at heart. This romantic comedy depicts the daily lives of these two in 17 tones. The director and series composition is by Masato Jimbo of "CHAOS;CHILD" and "Isekai Shokudo," and the character design is by Maki Hashimoto. Animation production will be handled by CONNECT of "Death March Kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku".
⇒Spring 2019 Anime
Additional cast members have now been announced for the special event to be held on Sunday, December 15, 2019.
In addition to the recently announced Kana Hanazawa as Nanako Yukihiro and Yu Hatanaka as Eiji Busujima, the event will now feature Sayuri Yahagi as Amane Katagiri, Rikako Aida as Koto Otsuki, Misaki Kuno as Kino Yakoubu, and Sumire Uesaka as Tao Hanabi.
The event priority application ticket will be enclosed in the "9th volume of the original book with the full-length anime film" to be released on Monday, June 17. Please look forward to this special event where you can enjoy the world of "Kawayanagi Shoujo" even more!
(*If there are too many applicants, the event may be held by lottery.)
The synopsis and advance shots of episode 9 "Eiji and Nanako's Father," which will air on May 31 (Fri.), have been released.
The synopsis and advance cutscenes are as follows.
Episode 9 "Eiji and Nanako's Father
Nanako is relaxing in the living room during her summer vacation when her father, Yoshihiko, arrives and suggests that she invite her friends over to their house. Meanwhile, Eiji drops his phone in a cup of noodles and takes it in for repair. While out and about, he strolls around town and discovers one acquaintance after another. ......
[Work information] *Honorifics omitted.
TV animation "Kawayagi Shoujo
Broadcast on MBS, TBS, BS-TBS "Anime-ism" slot
<Broadcast information
MBS: Every Friday from 1:55 am
TBS: Every Friday from 1:55 am
BS-TBS: Every Saturday from 1:00 am
Broadcast dates and times are subject to change without notice.
<Staff> Original story: Masakuni Igarashi
Original Story: "Kawayagi Shoujo" by Masakuni Igarashi (serialized in Kodansha's "Weekly Shonen Magazine")
Director/Series Composition : Masato Jinbo Character Design : Maki Hashimoto
Animation Production : CONNECT
Nanako Yukihiro: Kana Hanazawa Age Busujima: Yu Hatanaka
Amane Katagiri: Sayuri Yahagi Koto Otsuki: Rikako Aida
Kino Yakobu: Misaki Hisano Tao Hanabuyi: Sumire Uesaka
Opening theme: "Kotonohanoomoi" by Enko Inoue
Nanako Yukihira, a girl who tells what she wants to say with 575 willow words, and Eiji Busujima, a scary-looking but kind-hearted member of the literature club. Their daily lives, spun with only 17 syllables, are always full of happiness!
(C) Masakuni Igarashi, Kodansha/Kawayagi Shoujo Production Committee
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