Face will release a wireless mouse that looks like a miniature car, a faithful reproduction of the 300SL, a classic car manufactured by Mercedes-Benz in 1954.
The 300SL is a classic car manufactured by Mercedes-Benz in 1954.
This model is known as a very rare model classic car in Japan, and is priced at over 100 million yen. Even the replica is a legendary classic car that has been loved for a long time, costing more than 30 million yen.
It has a large number of fans, not only classic car fans, but also those who are drawn to it by its design.
A wireless mouse that looks like a miniature car and faithfully reproduces the "300SL" is now available from Faith.
The "Minicar Present" campaign, which comes with a matching minicar, sold out before the end of the campaign period on June 30, so a second round of the campaign has been hastily decided, and applications are being accepted until June 30.
This time, a silver Mercedes-Benz 300SL miniature car, an elaborate reproduction of the same model as the mouse, is included.
Both the mouse and the miniature car can be displayed by your desk while not in use as an ornamental item, so why not check them out?
Product Information
■Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz 300SL wireless mouse (wireless mouse) computer mouse
・Price: 6,091 yen (including tax)
<Product specs
2.4GHz (wireless battery type) USB receiver included
Headlight and rear light shine.
The streamlined body with its outstanding beauty is reproduced as it is.
Height: 13.7cm
Width: 5.3cm
Height: 4cm
Circumference: 34.5cm
Attached battery: 20g
Outer box: 100g
One AA battery for trial use is included.
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