He gives his all in both singing and acting! The results of the survey project "Favorite character played by Shin Furukawa" are announced!
In February 2022, Akiba Research Institute conducted a reader survey, "Please tell us your favorite character played by Shin Furukawa! We received many loving responses, so we would like to introduce some of the most popular characters! We received many loving responses, so we would like to introduce some of the most popular characters!
Thank you very much for your comments, which were filled with love for the characters and were well worth reading. The most impressive comments were "I'm sorry, I can't choose the best one," "All the characters are wonderful! and "●● and ●● and ●● and ●●......," etc. We received more than a few comments of anguish that prevented us from narrowing down the answer to just one. I think that's how attractive the characters you play are and how wonderfully acted they are.
However, that would be the end of the project, so I'll be honest and announce the ranking!
⇒Please also read this interview article!
First attempt at "neutral singing." In commemoration of the release of "Roses for the King's Funeral" OP "Waga, Roses for the King's Funeral," in which he freely goes back and forth between the world of the anime and his own expression as an artist! Interview with Shin Furukawa
The top 10 most popular characters are as follows.
No. 1 "One-Pan Man" Cytama
No. 1 "DIG-ROCK" Akane Higure
Ronald in "Vampire Dies Soon" (No. 3)
No. 3 "Moriarty in sorrow" Sherlock Holmes
No.5 "THE IDOLM@STER SideM" Aslan Beelzebut II
No.6 "Visual Prison" Giltia Brion
No.7 "Kaguya-sama ga Kesshirasai" Shiragin Gyoko
No.8 'Touken Ranbu' Daikutsukura
No.9 "Fruits Basket" Kusama Jusuharu
No. 9 "BANANAFISH" Shorter Wong
The first and third place votes were tied, with two characters ranked in each place, which was an unusual result.
Let us introduce your comments in order.
First, we have Cytamafrom "One-Pan Man" at No. 1!
This was a hit role for Mr. Furukawa at the beginning of his career, and it seems that many people got to know him through this work. The work itself is also popular worldwide, so we can say that he is the undisputed No. 1.
I love Saitama because I got to meet Mr. Furukawa who plays him. ‼️
He has a languid voice, a slightly serious voice, a pause after a battle, and even though his face is almost expressionless and doesn't change much, the heat he conveys (pardon the pun) certainly has emotion in it, and the richness of his expression is a real joy to behold. The richness of his expression made me think, frankly, "A great young actor has emerged! I was frankly impressed with the richness of expression.
Saitama's way of life is just so cool, and he's usually so cute and lovable. I am filled with gratitude to Shin Furukawa, who plays the role with great care.
The moment I started watching the movie and heard Mr. Furukawa's voice playing the role of Cytama for the first time, believe it or not, I felt a shock as if my mind was brightened like the scenery above the clouds and a light like thunderbolt fell down from above my head. It was like love at first sight, and the moment I heard his voice, I thought, 'Oh, I like this person.
'It's because his performance and voice, with its languid, unmotivated atmosphere, really stuck with me. The scene where he becomes stronger than anyone and anything else and becomes too strong, and gradually his various emotions fade away and he feels empty and wonders what he became strong for is my favorite scene in the anime.
Akane Nigure from the drama CD "DIG-ROCK" tied for first place with the same number of votes.
From the official website of "DIG- ROCK
Akane is the vocalist of "Rubia Leopard," a rock band with a hard sound, and also sings original songs in the drama. Many people said that the character's wild singing voice, which is rarely heard in his other activities as an artist, is one of the most appealing aspects of the movie.
I wanted to hear your voice singing rock music! That dream came true with RUBIA REOPARD: !!!!"
The character is a very nice one, not only because of the wonderful voice that Furukawa-san possesses, which is utilized in the vocal performance of RUBIA Leopard, but also because of the way she divides her acting between her everyday, ever-changing facial expressions. Akane is cool and indifferent to others, but she cares very much about the band and her friends. She is jealous, sulks, and even laughs out loud at times, but all of her acting is very much like Akane Nipporini herself. All of the characters that Furukawa-san plays are wonderful, but I think the character of Akane is the one in which we can see a variety of expressions (acting).
I think that Akane is the one whose various expressions (performances) can be seen." "I think that Akane is the character because I can strongly feel that her singing voice is the character herself, especially among the many characters she has sung as. The fact that you can feel her overwhelming singing ability is one of her charms. Also, the character is said to be a "heavenly warrior" and a "perfect king," and I can really feel this from your performance. However, he also expresses the character's cute gap, which I think is one of the charms of the character.
The characteristics of a drama CD mean that the only information that is conveyed to the viewer is basically the sound effects and voices. Because visual information is limited, the subtleties of emotions and actions must be conveyed only by voice. I believe that it is precisely because Ms. Furukawa combines her acting skills as a voice actor with her excellent singing ability that she is able to play this character.
In third place, there was a tie between two characters.
The first was Ronald from"Vampires Die Quickly. The secret of his popularity seems to be his funny, high-spirited, and quick-witted character.
The audience enjoyed watching him, but the actor had to work very hard to keep his throat dry. There are many good-looking and good-looking roles played by Mr. Furukawa, but Ronald is good-looking, but he is a little different from the others.
I am so glad that Ronald is Mr. Furukawa, because he is going to be in the second season, and I can't wait to see him again.
I was really pleased with his wholehearted, all-out performance. I was really happy with his performance. I was worried about his throat when he skipped so much in the last episode.
I looked forward to watching the anime every time I saw Ronald and Dralc's light-hearted exchange. Ronald's cute side was also expressed in his performance, which made me feel warm and fuzzy. His expression of love for John was especially cute. He also showed us the cool Ronald when he was in work mode, and I loved it!
Everyone also included a comment expressing concern for Mr. Furukawa's throat, which made me realize how much he is loved by his fans (......).
Also in third place was "Moriarty" Sherlock Holmes.
He is a fearless and aloof character, but he has created a new image of Holmes with his sharp reasoning and brilliant acting.
I was drawn to him because of the way he fits the atmosphere of the original Sherlock Holmes, his acting, his tone of voice, and many other attractive aspects of his character.
The realism and dynamism of Sherlock's performance, as if he stepped out of the film and was actually right in front of me, is unbearable. I can't get enough of the realism and dynamism of Sherlock Holmes, as if I were standing in front of him in front of me in real life." "Mr. Furukawa's slow and steady acting is wonderful in all his plays, but in Sherlock Holmes, he adds even more depth to the story! "
I was impressed by how colorfully Shin Furukawa's voice expressed the changes in his personality and sentiments. The character does not have a great deal of facial expression, but the emotions of the moment are conveyed very well by Shin Furukawa's voice. He is one of the characters that impressed me because he can add so much color just with his voice.
In addition to his acting ability, the quality of Mr. Furukawa's voice was so impressive that I found myself replaying it in my brain when I was reading the original manga (laughs). I was especially impressed by the scene when Sherlock first appears and game-like guesses his opponent's occupation, and his quiet and ruthless performance when Sherlock later kills someone."
Fifth place went to Aslan-Belzebute II of"THE iDOLM@STER SideM.
From the official website of "THE iDOLM@STER SideM
He calls himself "a servant of Satan, the fallen angel who bears the sad fate of the fallen angel who sits on the shoulders of all the sins of the world," and at first glance, he seems to be a character with a full-blown chuunibyo attitude, but on the other hand, he is a character who loves his friends. As a character from the "iM@S" series, her activities at live events also seem to be a popular point of interest.
I was really attracted to Shin Furukawa singing and dancing at the live performance. I still remember that I was overwhelmed by his singing, his vibrato, and the volume of his voice. If I had not met the character of Aslan-BBII, I would not have supported Makoto Furukawa as much as I do now, and I would not have thought of getting to know him that deeply.
I really like the fact that the characters are quite unique with strong quirks, yet they don't feel out of place at all, and I feel as if the characters are alive. Furukawa's analysis of the characters is very sharp, and I feel that the characters have depth and profundity. I also like the fact that he sings so well that it makes me laugh, and that once you hear his lines, they have an unforgettable impact on you.
I first fell in love with Aslan when I heard his solo song, "My Chaos Sabato Mariage. His overwhelming singing ability was so impressive that I thought he was the best singer among all the character songs I had heard so far, and I was instantly attracted to him.
Let's take a look at the list of the top 6 and below.
At No. 6 is Guiltier Brionfrom "Visual Prison. Singing is another important element of this character.
The fragility of the character, her sexiness, the strength of her feelings, and Ms. Furukawa's acting ability are irresistible. And what can I say, the song !!!! It's the best! I listen to it every day! Your acting and singing are the best!
The way she sings the character songs about the sorrow and mercy of Guiltier, and the way she seriously addresses the characters in each line, draws me in.
It seems that the charm of the song is that it expresses the inner world of the characters beautifully through the song.
Seventh place went to Shiragin Gyoko for "Kaguya-sama ga Kesshirasai" (The Lady Wants to Tell You She Wants to Be Told ), for which a movie version will be produced.
The 7th place goes to Gyoko Shiragin of "Kaguya-sama ga Tsurenai wo Kakerasai," which will be made into a movie version. Also, Gyoko Shiragi-kun is a bad singer, but I think Shin Furukawa is very charming because he sings his bad songs along with his character.
Personally, I found the rap episode to be the funniest!
Other top vote-getters included "Touken Ranbu" O-Kutsukara in 8th place, "BANANAFISH" Shorter Wong in 9th place with the same vote, and "Fruits Basket" Kusama Shushun in 9th place.
Although each character has a different way of expressing his or her masculinity, they all have a core of masculinity that made them popular.
Although not in the top 10, there were many who also chose Tada Banri from "Golden Time," in which Furukawa played the main role for the first time, Achilles from "Fate/Apocrypha," who has been very active not only in the anime but also in video games, and Kagurazaka Soji from the "Tsukipro" series, whose songs and songs are also very popular. Many of them also mentioned Kagurazaka Soji from the "Tsukipro" series, who was also popular for his singing.
It was evident that all the characters are well-loved.
This is all due to Mr. Furukawa's stance as a voice actor, who passionately plays every character!
We look forward to seeing more and more of her work in the future!
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