Tokyo Manji Revengers" finally reaches its final episode! Who is the mysterious "Aarigataku"?
Tokyo Manji Revengers" serialized in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" will finally reach its final episode.
This is a new type of yankee manga by Ken Wakui of "Shinjuku Swan" fame. In this story, Budo Hanagaki, a freelancer at the bottom of his life, goes back in time to his junior high school days and tries to take revenge for his life while getting involved in various incidents involving the team "Tokyo Manjikai.
The TV anime and live-action version were made into a TV anime in 2021 and became a social phenomenon, and the TV anime "Seiyoru Kessen Hen" will start airing in January 2023.
Tokyo Manji Revengers" has been serialized for six years since 2017. It has now been announced that it will reach its final episode in the 51st issue of "Weekly Shonen Magazine," which will go on sale on November 16, 2022.
On the official Twitter page of the work, a countdown to the final episode has started, quoting famous scenes from the work. From now on, the official Twitter feed will be tweeted every day with famous lines from various characters.
In addition, the meaning of the advertisement that was recently posted at Shinjuku Station and Kodansha's building, which reads "AREGA Taku", has been revealed...⁉ Keep your eyes on "Tokyo Manji Revengers" as it heads toward its final episode.
Official Manga Twitter: @toman_official
Weekly Shonen Magazine official Twitter: @shonenmagazine1
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