Popular manga "Under Ninja" by Kengo Hanazawa of "I Am a Hero" will be broadcast as a TV anime in 2023! Teaser PV is released!
A teaser PV from the anime "Under Ninja" scheduled to be broadcast on TV in 2023 has been released.
Under Ninja" (Kodansha/Young Magazine) is a popular manga by Kengo Hanazawa, known for "I Am a Hero" and other works. In a world where ninja, who are thought to have disappeared after World War II, still exist in secret and are active in the dark even today, the youngest ninja, Guro Kumogakure, who lives a life like a NEET, throws himself into some important "ninja duties The story is set in a world where the ninja are living like NEETs.
A new teaser PV has been released for this work, which has been announced to be adapted into a TV anime in 2023. In conjunction with this, an official Twitter account has also been opened. Please check the official account for the latest information.
TV anime "Under Ninja" teaser PV
Official anime Twitter: #
Young Magazine official website : #
Click here to read the original comics.
Book Information
Original Comics "Under Ninja
Author: Kengo Hanazawa (Kodansha/Young Magazine)
Volumes 1-8 on sale now!
The latest 9th volume will be released on January 6, 2023
# (c) Hanazawa Kengo
(C) Kengo Hanazawa, Kodansha/Under Ninja Production Committee
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