PC KOBO Akihabara BUYMORE Store will hold a midnight sale of "New CPUs" from 23:00 today, January 12 (Thu.)!

PC KOBO Akihabara BUYMORE Store will hold a midnight sale of "new CPUs" from 23:00 today, January 12, 2023 (Thursday).

According to the store's Twitter, numbered tickets for the purchase of the "new CPUs" will be distributed from 17:00, and the store will close at around 20:00, and the sales will start at 23:00, the time of the opening of the store, and will reopen at around 22:50. You will need to come back to the store at that time with a numbered ticket. For more details, please check the store's Twitter page.

As for the "new CPU," the model number and other details are currently undisclosed. Other stores scheduled to sell the new CPUs include "Tsukumo PC Honten" and "TSUKUMO eX.", which will start selling them tomorrow, January 13 (Friday).