Obituary: Singer Maon Kurosaki passed away suddenly. She sang the theme songs of "To Aru Majutsu no Index II," "Gakko Gurashi! Grisaia" theme song, etc.

Singer Maon Kurosaki passed away suddenly on February 16, 2023 due to a worsening of a chronic illness, it was announced on her official website.

According to her official website, she passed away suddenly while she was discussing her future plans, including her documentary film, her schedule after the summer, and the release of new songs.

The wake and funeral were held only for the next of kin, as the family wished to send her off quietly.

Mr. Kurosaki made his debut in 2010 with the ED theme song for the TV anime "Gakuen Revelation High School of the Dead. Since then, she has sung "Magic∞world" and "Memory's Last", the ED themes for "Toaru Majutsu no Index II", as well as "Hakuouki", "Gakkou Gurashi! and "Grisaia no Kajitsu", as well as many other anime and game songs.
In 2011, he formed ALTIMA with motsu and fripSide's Satoshi Yaginuma, and in 2019, he formed the music unit "ALICes " with Sayaka Kanda (who passed away suddenly in 2021 ).

We pray for the repose of her soul.