Suspicious of the quiet Akimizu...Harem Spring Anime "Goddess' Cafe Terrace" Episode 6 Synopsis & Scene Cuts Released!

The latest episode of the spring anime "Goddess of the Cafe Terrace" has been released with a synopsis and advance scene cuts.

Based on a seaside romantic comedy with "too many heroines" serialized in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" by Kouji Seo. The director of the TV anime is Satoshi Kuwabara, who also directed "The Bride of the Fifth Estate" and other works.
"Goddess' Cafe Terrace" Spring Anime "Too Many Heroines in a Harem Life" - PV, Heroines' Group Visual, Theme Song, and Additional Cast Members!

⇒Click here for the list of spring anime in 2023.

The TV anime "Goddess of Cafe Terrace" is currently airing every Friday night from 1:25 pm on the "Super Animeism" slot on the MBS/TBS network of 28 stations nationwide. The synopsis and scene cuts of the sixth episode have been released.

Synopsis and scene cuts

Episode 6 "Two Months!

Ryusei is staring at Hayabusa and Shirakiku, who are talking happily in the kitchen, and he has a vague and confused feeling. Suddenly, Shirakiku and Ryusei have a toasted sandwich showdown...
On the other hand, Akimizu, who is usually so noisy, is quiet. Everyone is suspicious and tries to figure out the cause.
Hayabusa is spending his noisy days with these lively members, but before he knows it, he realizes that he has forgotten the boundary between family and employees and has been spoiled...

Production Information

■TV animation "Goddess of the Cafe Terrace

<Broadcast Information
MBS/TBS 28 stations nationwide network "Super Anime-ism" slot: From April 7, 2023 (Fri.) 1:25pm~.
BS Nichi-Television: From April 10, 2023, every (Monday) night from 11:30 p.m.
AT-X: Every (Wed.) night from 9:30 p.m., starting April 12, 2023
(Repeat broadcasts: Every Friday at 9:30 a.m. and every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m.)

<Distribution information
DMM TV, ABEMA: April 7 (Fri.) 26:55 - Fastest distribution
dAnime Store and other distribution sites: April 10 (Mon.) 26:55 - Sequential distribution starts

<Staff> Original story
Original Story: Kouji Seo (serialized in Kodansha's "Weekly Shonen Magazine")
Director : Satoshi Kuwabara
Series Composition : Keiichiro Ochi
Character Design : Seitsune Noguchi
Music : Shu Kanematsu, Miki Sakurai
Animation Production: Tezuka Productions

Opening Theme: Otonariame "Fate!
Ending theme: Miki Sato "Dramatic

Kasukabe Hayato: Masaaki Mizunaka
Shirakiku Ono: Azumi Wakei
Ryusei Tsukishima: Ki Yamane
Tsurukawa Akimizu: Suzushiro Sayumi
Hououji Momiji: Seto Masami
Makuzawa Sakuraka: Ruriko Aoki

--An old coffee shop by the sea somewhere. It is said that there is a goddess there.

Familia" is a coffee shop left behind by a grandmother who had a falling out.
The main character, Hayato Kasukabe, is a young man who has been living in a coffee shop for three years.
The main character, Hayato Kasukabe, returns to his hometown for the first time in three years.
There, he finds five cute girls he doesn't know talking about "grandma's family"!

Suddenly underwear? Naked! Wait a minute, who's the burglar?
This is my house! I'll definitely kick them out!

From the worst encounter, a story of love and family begins!
A dream harem of a shared life with all five "heroines"!
A seaside romantic comedy with too many heroines!

Original story information
Goddess of the Cafe Terrace
Author:Koji Seo
Serialized in Kodansha's "Weekly Shonen Magazine
Volume 10 will be released on April 17, 2023!
Trial reading: ##

(C) Kouji Seo, Kodansha / "Goddess of the Cafe Terrace" Production Committee, MBS

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