Uesaka Sumire reports on the event to celebrate the release of her first photo book "Sumire-iro!
Popular voice actress Uesaka Sumire will release her first completely new photo book on December 19, 2019. An event to celebrate this was held on Saturday, January 11, 2020.
She has appeared in many popular works, including the role of Cure Cosmo in the TV anime "Star Twinkle Pretty Cure," which is currently airing, and is also active as an artist. She also uses her cute looks to model for catalogs and advertisements such as "Baby, the Stars Shrine Bright. On December 19, her 28th birthday last year, she released her first photo book, "Sumire-iro," which was completely shot and photographed for the first time. An event was held on Saturday, January 11, 2020 to commemorate this event. The official report has just arrived.
Official report】 ※原文ママ
Uesaka appeared at a press conference held before the event to commemorate the release of the book, saying, "I have published several photobooks, but this is the first time for me to publish a new photo book, and I took on a lot of challenges. The stylist, who has always been a great help to me, coordinated everything, so it has a "high artistic point" feel to it. I hope you can see how people can change their expressions by wearing clothes.
The photo book also includes rare swimsuit shots and lingerie cuts. Uesaka, who said she had been reluctant to expose her skin in the past, smiled and said, "I was able to shoot with people I know very well, and since it was not very revealing and we were not going to the beach, I was able to choose from a variety of designs and have my makeup and hair done in a cute way, I was able to wear the clothes as if they were clothes. I felt as if I was wearing clothes.
She added, "As I looked at my mysterious body shape, I thought I could do it.... The photographer gave me pointers on how to look beautiful and how to pose as elegantly as possible. I'm not good at showing my forehead, but this time I tried something I don't usually do on my own volition," she recalled.
The shooting took place in Japan and Korea in mid-August. "The shooting was fun, and I thought Korea was full of interesting things just by walking around, such as photogenic towns and lots of cosmetics for sale. The first appetizer of Korean food was very delicious. I was also thinking of going to Russia, but I thought I would die if I wore a bathing suit there (laughs). (Laughs.) But if there is a next time, I would love to go to St. Petersburg, where the midnight sun is beautiful, or to shoot on location in Russia.
One of my favorite pictures is "The cover of the regular edition is also a profile, but I don't get a chance to see my own profile very often, so I thought, 'I have such a profile. It's also a nice point that I can look naked if I try hard," he introduced the spread. When I was in the waiting room of one of the events, I was choosing my favorite cut, and my senior voice actor, Daihiro Mizushima, said, "I think this one is good," and chose it from his uncle's point of view.
Uesaka concluded, "I also like photo books and buy photo books of my favorite idols. I hope you will look at my photo book too when you are feeling down," she said in a message to her fans. I think the female body is good for relieving fatigue. If you buy it once, it will work as many times as you want, so I hope you will use it as a tonic," he added, calling out, "I thought that making a photo book is fun when everyone (on the staff) has fun while making it. It also motivated me to do it again if the opportunity arises. I would really like to get your feedback and, if possible, I would like you to buy at least one more book. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Product Information
Uesaka Sumire's photo book "Sumire-iro
Now on sale
List price: 2,727 yen (excluding tax)
Photography: Tomoki Kuwashima
Published by: Tokyo News Tsushinsha, Inc.
Available at bookstores nationwide, online bookstores, and TOKYO NEWS magazine&mook (honto) < # >.
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