From the "Machikado Matsukku" TV anime currently airing, "Momo Chiyoda" faithfully reproduced from an illustration drawn by Izumo Ito, has been sculpted!
From "Machikado Mazoku," a TV anime currently airing from July 2019, "Momo Chiyoda," a neighborhood magical girl, will be sculpted for the first time in her magical girl outfit and released in February 2020.
Based on a four-panel manga serialized in "Manga Time Kirara Carat" (Houbunsha). In this work, the main character, Yuko Yoshida, a high school girl whose power as a "demon" is suddenly awakened one day, accepts her family's mission to defeat her classmate Momo Chiyoda, a magical girl chosen by the rival Hikari clan, but she is sometimes defeated and sometimes fights together to protect the peace. However, they are sometimes defeated and sometimes fight together to protect the peace. The original comic is currently on sale up to volume 4.
⇒2019 Summer Anime
⇒ "Machikado Mazoku" serialized by Kirara Carat will be adapted into a TV anime! Broadcast on TBS and BS-TBS!
This time, the neighborhood magical girl "Momo Chiyoda" will be sculpted for the first time in her magical girl costume, and will be released in February 2020.
The figure is a faithful reproduction of an illustration drawn by the original author, Izumo Ito, for the figure.
The figure is delicately sculpted down to the smallest details, such as the frilly skirt, fluttering ribbons, and the walking stick she uses as a weapon.
The base of the figure is based on the sign used in the anime title.
The base is painted in a contrasting design to the "Shadow Mistress Yuko" (sold separately).
The long and slender arms and legs are also noteworthy.
We hope you will enjoy her calm and composed figure, always looking out for Shamiko.
Product Information
Scale: 1/7
Product Size: Height: approx. 220mm (including stand)
Price: 13,500 yen (tax not included)
Product Specifications: Painted PVC figure
Material: PVC (non-phthalate) - ABS
Sculptor: Kotobukiya
Release Date : February 2020
<Kotobukiya Shop Limited Purchase Benefits
Jito-eye face parts
(C) Izumo Ito, Houbunsha / Machikado Mazoku Production Committee
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