Starlink Battle for Atlas" (digital version), a shooting game for Xbox One, will be available for free until April 22!

The digital version of the shooter "Starlink Battle for Atlas" for Xbox One will be available for free until April 22, 2020, it was announced today, April 3.

Starlink Battle for Atlas" is an open-world shooter game in which players battle the Forgotten Legion, led by Gracchus, while freely exploring seven planets.

The digital version of "Starlink Battle for Atlas" includes four Starships, six pilots, and 12 weapons, and players can change and enhance their aircraft at any time during play.

The full version of "Starlink Battle for Atlas" is also on sale at the Microsoft Store for 2,592 yen (including tax), compared to the regular price of 10,368 yen (including tax). The data of the digital version played during the free trial period can be carried over to the full version.

Game Outline
Starlink Battle for Atlas

Compatibility: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One
Release date: April 25, 2019 (Thursday)
Genre: Open world shooting
Players: 1 or 2 players (2-player split-screen offline)