The first episode of the web-anime "The Magus Hero: Wataru: The Seven Spirits of Ryujinmaru," which will begin distribution on April 10, has been cut from the first episode!
The first cut from the web-anime "The Magus Wataru: The Seven Spirits of Ryujinmaru," which will be distributed on the official YouTube BANDAI SPIRITS channel from April 10, 2020 (Fri.), has arrived.
Wataru: The Legend of Heroes" is a robot animation series that started in 1988. It is also known as a pioneer of multi-faceted media mix works, and the TV animation series has been produced up to the third series, "Wataru: The Legend of the Magus". Even now, more than 30 years after the series ended, it still has a strong fan base.
The new web anime will be distributed on the official YouTube BANDAI SPIRITS channel from April 10, 2020 (Fri.) at 9pm.
■Advance cut of the first episode "Rise Up! Savior
Here are some advance cuts from the first episode of the series.
The release date of the web novel has been decided!
In addition, a web novel written by Makoto Koyama will be released on April 10 (Fri.) at 5:00 p.m. on "Yarate Bunko," a website run by Sunrise. In addition to the anime episodes, the novel will also feature original episodes not depicted in the main story. It will be updated every Tuesday and Friday.
Web Anime Outline
The Magus Hero: Wataru: The Seven Spirits of Ryujinmaru" (Japanese only)
Episodes: 9 episodes (about 15 minutes each)
Episode 1 distribution date: April 10, 2020 (Fri.) 9:00 p.m.
Distribution channel: YouTube BANDAI SPIRITS official channel
Episode 1 premiere date and time: April 10, 2020 (Fri.) 9:00 p.m.
Channel title: BANDAI SPIRITS Official Channel
Episode 1 URL:#
Distribution Schedule
Part 1 (4 episodes)
Episode 1: April 10 (Fri.)
Episode 2: April 24 (Friday)
Episode 3: May 8 (Friday)
Episode 4: Friday, May 22
Second part (5 episodes)
Scheduled to be released in September
Wataru arrives at the scene of another crisis at Mount Soukai. However, in a battle with an unknown enemy called "Dobazdar," Ryujinmaru is torn apart!
Wataru, in despair, hears the voice of Ryujinmaru. Wataru, in despair, he hears the voice of Ryujinmaru, who tells him that he is still barely holding on to his life. In his dream, Wataru sees the upside-down Mt. It is called "Mt. Mushokai" or "the dream that dragons see. Wataru feels that Ryujinmaru is there, and together with Tiger King and Himiko, he sets off on another adventure.
Wataru: Mayumi Tanaka / Tiger King: Kazue Ikura / Himiko Shinobu: Megumi Hayashibara / Shibaraku: Tomomichi Nishimura
Ryujinmaru: Tetsuaki Genda
Director: Hiroshi Kamishina (Studio Live) / Series Composition: Shingo Nagai / Character Design: Momoko Makiuchi (Studio Live)
Mechanical Design: Manabu Shintani (Astray's) / Art Director: Shigemi Ikeda, Yukiko Maruyama (Atelier Musa) / Sound Director: Sadayoshi Fujino
Director of Photography: Yuichiro Nagata (Asahi Productions) / Planning Cooperation: BANDAI SPIRITS / Production: Sunrise
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