More convenient and easier to use! Notice of Renewal of Akiba Research Institute My Page

Akiba Research Institute's My Page has been newly re-designed.
The activity function has been greatly upgraded! You can now view your activities in chronological order, and see updates to the polls you have created. Other new features that were not available on the PC version are the list of votes you have created and the HITOKOTO list, which was not available on the smartphone version. Please check them out.

Quickly catch up on information with new activities

The new activity list is displayed in chronological order, making it easier to see.
You will be notified when comments or candidates are added, edited, or deleted from the polls you have created.
The activity function has been added to the smartphone version as well.

■Manage your own polls with the Polls List
The list of your own polls is now available in the PC version as well. You can see what kind of votes you have created.

Manage your own tweets with the "Hitokoto" list!

The "What you tweeted" feature is now available on the smartphone version as well. You can also delete your own Hitkotos from "My Page".

About the end of some functions

Due to the renewal of the site, the following services have been terminated.

Follow/Followers function

Image posting function

Thank you for using My Page.

We look forward to your continued support of Akiba Research Institute.