Junichi Kanemaru as Hayato Kazami sings "Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula -SOUND TOURS-" official theme song "Overdriving! ! Production started

Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula" will celebrate the 30th anniversary of its broadcast in 2021, and the 26 titles that have been released to date will be digitally remastered and released as a new 5-title CD BOX set, "SOUND TOURS The official theme song for the "SOUND TOURS" series, which will be released as a five-title CD box set, will be newly produced.

The official theme song will be titled "Overdriving ! ! The title of the official theme song is "Overdriving! The song will be sung by the main character "Hayato Kazami" (Junichi Kanamaru).

The sound is produced by Katsutoshi Kitagawa (ROUND TABLE), who has written and produced for Kana Hanazawa, Maaya Sakamoto, and many other voice actors and artists.

The song is sung by Hayato Kazami, who will race in the 15th World Grand Prix in 2020, as depicted in the OVA "Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula Saga", and was created as a message song with a sense of speed.

This new song is scheduled for release this summer as the second installment of the "SOUND TOURS" series.

In addition, a visual of Hayato Kazami standing on the Fujioka Circuit, which is a memorable part of the song, has been released. The CD jacket illustration is by Hirokazu Hisayuki (character designer for "Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula SAGA" and "Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula SIN").

Expect more news to come!