Uzaki-chan Wanna Play!", which will be adapted into a TV anime in July 2020 which will be adapted into a TV anime in July 2020, the third PV, character information, broadcast/distribution information, and opening theme information have been released. In addition, the first episode will be distributed in advance and a special program featuring the cast will be held on June 14 (Sun.).
Uzaki-chan Wanna Play! is a romantic comedy manga serialized on Nico Nico Seiga's web comic distribution site "Doradora Shapu#. The total number of copies of the manga, including digital editions, has sold more than 500,000 copies.
Sakurai Shinichi, a third-year university student, wants to spend his after-school hours quietly at ......, but his junior Uzaki Hana treats him as a "botch" and repeatedly "annoys" him. Sakurai, however, somehow manages to have a good time with Uzaki.
The anime adaptation will be directed by Kazuya Miura, with series composition by Takashi Asashi, character design by Manabu Kurihara, and animation production by ENGI.
The third PV, character information, broadcast/distribution information, and opening theme information have been released. In addition, the first episode will be distributed in advance and a special program featuring the cast will be held on June 14 (Sun.).
TV anime "Uzaki-chan Wants to Play! PV Vol. 3
Additional character & CV revealed!
Saori Hayami will be playing the role of Tsuki Uzaki. Comments from Ms. Hayami have been received, and will be introduced as well.
Birthday: November 2
Mother of Hana Uzaki. 43 years old.
She is 43 years old and has a youthful appearance that one would not expect from her age.
Her personality is the opposite of her daughter's; she is elegant and soft-spoken.
Saori Hayami's comment
I had a lot of fun dubbing the voice of Tsuki, who is kind, soft-spoken, and sometimes gets into a lot of trouble on her own.
The gap between what she thinks in her head as a monologue and how she actually appears on stage is interesting, and I hope you can feel it through her conversations with Hana-chan and Sakurai.
Broadcast Information
Broadcasting will begin on July 10, 2020 (Fri.) on AT-X, ABC TV, and other stations!AT-X Every Friday from July 10 at 21:30~.
(Repeat broadcasts: Every Sunday from 24:30 / Every Monday from 13:30 / Every Wednesday from 29:30)
ABC TV From July 11, every Saturday from 26:10
TOKYO MX From July 10, every Friday from 22:30
TV Aichi Every Saturday from July 11 at 26:50
Sanin Broadcasting System, Inc.
BS11 Every Friday from July 10 at 23:00
Broadcasting stations and dates are subject to change.
Distribution Information
The first independent distribution on dAnime Store will be the first to be distributed on terrestrial wave!Other sites will follow in order!
dAnime Store from July 10, every Friday at 22:00~.
Theme Song Information
TV anime "Uzaki-chan Wanna Play! Shikano and Uzaki-chan will sing the opening theme song "Nadamesukashi Negotiation". Here is a comment from Shikano.
■Kano's comment
Hello to all of you who are new here and to all of you who have been supporting us!
My name is Shikano, and I will be singing the OP theme song "Nadamesukashi Negotiation" for the TV anime "Uzaki-chan ga Funattei" with Uzaki-chan.
The song is very, very catchy, and I hope you'll get hooked on it as well as the anime itself, as the annoying, cute feeling of the song makes it hard to stop repeating.
We hope you will get addicted to the song as well as the anime!
Program Information
Episode 1 will be distributed in advance & special program featuring the cast!
The first episode of the series will be distributed in advance of the main broadcast!
In addition, you will be able to watch a special program featuring the cast!
There are many plans to enjoy the TV anime even more!
Let's enjoy Uzaki-chan this summer!
TV anime "Uzaki-chan Wanna Play! SP just before the broadcast of SUGOI TOKUBAN!
Delivery date and time: June 14, 2020 (Sun.) 20:30 -
Contents:Episode 1 preview (*real-time viewing only),cast appearance program
Cast:Naomi Ozora (Hana Uzaki), Kenji Akabane (Shinichi Sakurai),Ayana Taketatsu (Minoru Asia), Tomoya Takagi (Itsujin Sakaki)
Uzaki-chan Wants to Play! Episode 1 Advance Screening.
TV anime "Uzaki-chan Wanna Play! SUGOITOKUBANJust before the broadcast!
# "Uzaki-chan Wanna Play!
Game playback video is now available!
Uzaki-chan and Sakurai play a game!
Live game videos are now available on YouTube and Nico Nico Douga!
Uzaki-chan challenges "Earth Defense Forces 5"!
The second live video!
Uzaki-chan takes on the challenge of "Super Bomberman R"!
# [Live Action Video #3
Live Video #3
Uzaki-chan takes on "Taiko Drum Master: Session de Dodongga Dodong! (video 2) Uzaki takes on the challenge of "Super Bomberman R"!
# [Play-by-play video #4
Live Video #4.
Uzaki-chan takes on the challenge of "Nanakage: 7 Kingdoms and Mercenaries of the Moonlight"!
# [Live Action Video #5
Live video #5.
Uzaki takes on the challenge of "Nanakage: The Seven Kingdoms and the Mercenaries of Moonlight"!
Production Information
TV anime "Uzaki-chan Wants to Play!
<Broadcast Information
Broadcasting will begin sequentially on July 10, 2020 (Friday) on
AT-X, ABC TV, etc.!
AT-X From July 10, every Friday from 21:30
(Repeat broadcasts: Every Sunday from 24:30 / Every Monday from 13:30 / Every Wednesday from 29:30)
ABC TV From July 11, every Saturday from 26:10
TOKYO MX From July 10, every Friday from 22:30
TV Aichi Every Saturday from July 11 at 26:50
Sanin Broadcasting System, Inc.
BS11 Every Friday from July 10 at 23:00
Broadcasting stations and dates are subject to change.
<Distribution information
The first independent distribution ondAnime Storeis scheduled!
Other sites will follow in order!
dAnime Store From July 10, every Friday at 22:00~
Original Story: Take
Director: Kazuya Miura
Series Structure: Masashi Asashi
Character Design: Manabu Kurihara
Art Director: Satoshi Watanabe
Color Design: Ayako Aihara
Director of Photography: Hisashi Matsumukai
Editor: Rina Oguchi(IMAGICA Lab.)
Sound Director: Yasu EbinaNori
Sound Effects: Kiyotaka Kawada
Animation Production: ENGI
Production: Uzaki-chan Production Committee
Hana Uzaki: Naomi Ozora
Shinichi Sakurai: Kenji Akabane
Minoru Asia: Ayana Taketatsu
Itsujin Sakaki: Tomoya Takagi
A third-year college student, Shinichi Sakurai enjoys a quiet campus life. He just wants to spend time alone, but his peaceful life is turned upside down when he gets teased by a junior student, Hana Uzaki, who treats him like a "loner"! He is teased, belittled, and made fun of .......
Every day, I'm constantly being pushed around by Uzaki-chan's annoying behavior! We are fed up with the noisy daily life, but the time we spend together is never boring...
I'm tired of the daily routine, but the time we spend together is never boring... "The two of us are definitely more fun than a single person!
This is the start of a slapstick adolescent romantic comedy with a cocky, yet somehow lovable, "annoying" junior student!
(C)2020 Take / KADOKAWA / Uzaki-chan Production Committee