Ubisoft will offer a free weekend to play the company's popular tactical shooter Rainbow Six Siege for free from Thursday night, June 11 through Monday, June 16, 2020. The platforms will be PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. For more information on this free weekend, please visit the official website.
During the free weekend, all Rainbow Six Siege maps, game modes, and 20 operators will be available. All data played and items acquired during the free weekend will be carried over to the full version of the game. The detailed schedule for each platform is as follows. For the PC version, a limited time sale of up to 70% is also being offered until March 17.
PC: June 11, 22:00 - June 16, 5:00 (Japan time)
PS4: June 11, 22:00 - June 15, 22:00 (Japan time)
Xbox One: June 11, 17:00 - June 16, 2:00 (Japan time)
Division 2 players who play the free weekend will also be able to obtain the "Thermite" Division 2 skin. This skin is also available to those who own "Division 2" and have not yet played "Rainbow Six Siege" or participated in previous "Rainbow Six Siege" free weekends. If you already play "Rainbow Six Siege" and own "The Division 2," you can get it at Ubisoft Club. The "Ela" Division 2 skin will also continue to be available for "Rainbow Six Siege" owners who played the "Division 2" demo or full version of the game in April.
In addition to this, the newly announced "STEEL WAVE" operation is now available for test play on the Windows PC version of the test server. The new offensive operator "Ace" and defensive operator "Melusi", the new defensive operator "Sensing Alarm", and the reworked map "Minka" can be experienced.