Toei to release the anime film "Yu-Gi-Oh the Movie" by the end of 2016! Completely new original story starring Yu-Gi-Oh!

Toei will release the animated film "Yu-Gi-Oh the Movie" by the end of 2016.

This title is a theatrical anime adaptation of the popular manga "Yu-Gi-Oh!" serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump since 1996, and will be released in 2016, the 20th year since the series began, following the first theatrical version of "Yu-Gi-Oh! The film version will feature a completely new original story starring Yugi Muto and Sejin Kaiba from the first film in the series, which was serialized in 1996 by Kazuki Takahashi, the original author of "Yu-Gi-Oh!

In addition, a remastered version of the TV anime "Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters," which was broadcast for four years from April 2000, will be broadcast as part of the "Yu-Gi-Oh" 20th anniversary project. This will be broadcast as "Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters 20th Remaster" every Saturday from February 7, 2015 at 7:30~ on the TV Tokyo network. It would be a good idea to prep & review the legends of Yu-Gi-Oh and Kaiba.

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