The animated film "Harmony," with images of future cities created by Keisuke Ito, has been released! Within the December 18 "Psycho-Pass 2.

The animated film "Harmony" will be released in theaters by the end of 2015, and the full-length footage will be unveiled on December 18.

The film will be released in theaters in 2015 as Noitamina's second theatrical animation film based on the novel "Harmony" by Keisuke Ito, who died prematurely in 2009 at the age of 34. The film is directed by Takashi Nakamura, who has long been active at the forefront of animation, including as animation director for the masterpiece "AKIRA," and Michael Arias, who won numerous awards including the Japan Academy Award for Best Animated Film for "Tekkon Sukecrete," as well as by the internationally acclaimed STUDIO4℃, whose works include "Tekkon Sukecrete" and "BERSERK. The film is produced by the internationally acclaimed STUDIO4℃, which is also responsible for the production of "Tekkonkinkreet" and "BERSERK.

The full-length movie will be unveiled in the TV anime "PSYCHO-PASS Psycho-Pass 2," which will be broadcast from 25:10 on December 18, 2012. In the video, the main character Kiritoshi Toan, dressed in the scarlet coat that is the uniform of the spiral inspector, as well as the image of a future city created by Mr. Ito in his novel are shown for the first time. The video is narrated by Takahiro Sakurai, as he did in the "Slaughterhouse" animated film, also from Noitamina.

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