The real story of otaku girls: Is Kuri-Pa really that tasty? December means Comiket, right?
December is the month when the town is filled with the Christmas mood. I am Satomi Zunda, an Alaska girl who is still not used to this atmosphere. Hello.
It's that time of the year when lovers around the world are in the midst of the Christmas season, and so here at Akiba Research Institute, Zunda, who has 15 years of experience as a rotten girl (and is now retired from active duty for a little while), has started her column on otaku girls. Please forgive the mismatch.
December is a busy month for otaku girls, in a sense!
For otaku girls, every day is a battle in a sense during this time of year. Huh? Are you saying that I'm going to be on the prowl for a girlfriend? Of course not, December is the month of Comiket. Comiket. It's a big event held twice a year.
When I was an active otaku, I used to participate in Winter Comiket every year. The genres were "Digimon" and "Gundam SEED". I can feel the times, can't I? There was a time when I was active in "Hetalia," which is still popular today.
It was around Christmas time when I gave up on being offline (*1) and finally started working on my copybook manuscripts. There was no time for a Christmas party.
(*1) Offset book. (*1) Offset book. A book that is submitted to a printing house for printing and binding is sometimes collectively called an "off" book.
By the way, the day before ......, or even the morning of the day of the event, is the best time to make a copy of the book. Most geek girls are more powerful the further in the last minute they get. Oh, but you don't want to just bind the books at the venue!
Also, Winter Comic, which is held at the end of the year, doesn't even allow you to do year-end cleaning (but this year's Winter Comic is held until the 30th, so you can clean up on the 31st★).
It is not only the girls who participate in circle events that are busy. Even the otaku girls who are dedicated buyers are busy worrying about the new publications of their favorite major circles and trying to figure out how to efficiently visit the wall circles on the day of the event. We must not forget to prepare physical strength, disposable warmers, and food supplies. It is also important to make a memo to buy new publications of major companies that my friend asked me to buy.
After all, otaku activities are more important than boyfriends
Even otaku girls who don't go to Comiket are very busy in their minds. They are always thinking "What kind of Christmas would XXX (their favorite character) spend? If those two (male characters, of course) were walking through the lights of Roppongi, they would look like ...... Kyaaa! My mind is always on the couplings that are currently hot. After all, December is the season for lovers.
But even these otaku girls have a side to them that is actually just like any other girl. In fact, they can be very trendy and fashionable girls, or they may have a good-looking boyfriend who is a "pansy" (*2). ...... The otaku girls of today are not to be underestimated.
(*2) General people. Originally a term popular in the 1970s.
Pimps' boyfriends don't know what's going on inside the heads of otaku girls, so I'm sure they will plan a wonderful surprise date for Christmas and give them a gorgeous present. The geek girl will be all smiles and joy, but in her head she will be thinking, "If only it were XXX and XXX (two of her favorite couples).
Some otaku girls may turn down a Christmas date, saying, "I'm busy on Christmas Eve (working on a manuscript). It can't be helped, because they are in a desperate situation. Please forgive them. But it's not the time to say, "You should stop being a nerd at least for Christmas!" You will be labeled as a "boyfriend who doesn't understand. ......
Well, if you are dating other geeks, you don't have to worry about that! Otakus should only date otakus! I hope you have fun on your Comiket date at the end of the year!
(Text by Satomi Zunda)
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