'PENJUALAN MUSIM PANAS SQUANI 2023'! Diskon hingga 50% untuk smartphone dan tablet, termasuk seri FF dan Seiken Densetsu!

Square Enix saat ini mengadakan SQUARE ENIX SUMMER SALE 2023, yang menawarkan penghematan untuk judul-judul populer untuk smartphone dan tablet.

Dalam penjualan ini, Anda dapat membeli game untuk smartphone dan tablet, termasuk seri Final Fantasy dan Seiken Densetsu, dengan harga diskon di App Store, Google Play, Amazon App Store, dan SQUARE ENIX MARKET. Penjualan ini terbuka untuk umum.
Obral ini berlangsung hingga hari Minggu, 20 Agustus 2023. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk menikmati penawaran terbaik untuk game-game populer Square Enix!

Informasi penjualan


<Periode penjualan>.
Hingga 20 Agustus (Minggu), 2023

<Target Toko
App Store, Google Play, Amazon App Store, SQUARE ENIX MARKET

<Halaman toko
App Store: #
Google Play: #
Amazon App Store: #

< Judul yang dijual

Seiken Densetsu: Final Fantasy Gaiden
App Store: 1,500 yen⇒750 yen
Google Play: 1.500 yen⇒750 yen
Amazon App Store: 1,500 yen⇒750 yen

Seiken Densetsu 2
App Store: 1.200 yen⇒600 yen
Google Play: 1,200 yen⇒600 yen

Trials of Mana Trials of Mana
App Store: 3,500 yen⇒1,700 yen
Google Play: 3,500 yen⇒1,700 yen

Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana
App Store: 3.600 yen⇒1.800 yen
Google Play: 3.600 yen⇒1.800 yen

Actraiser Renaissance
App Store: 3.200 yen⇒1.800 yen
Google Play: 3.200 yen⇒1.800 yen

App Store: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen
App Store: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen
Google Play: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen
Amazon App Store: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen
SQUARE ENIX MARKET: 2.400 poin ⇒ 1.200 poin

App Store: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen
Google Play: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen
Amazon App Store: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen
SQUARE ENIX MARKET: 2.400 poin ⇒ 1.200 poin

FINAL FANTASY IV: The After Years - Kembalinya Bulan
App Store: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen
Google Play: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen
PASAR SQUARE ENIX: 2.400 poin ⇒ 1.200 poin

Final Fantasy Tactics: Perang Singa
App Store: 1.900 yen⇒900 yen
App Store (iPad): 2.200 yen⇒1.100 yen
Google Play: 1.900 yen⇒900 yen
SQUARE ENIX MARKET: 1.900 poin⇒900 poin

FINAL FANTASY LEGENDS: Warriors of Light and Darkness
App Store: 2,000 yen⇒1,000 yen
Google Play: 2.000 yen⇒1.000 yen
SQUARE ENIX MARKET: 2.000 poin ⇒ 1.000 poin

FINAL FANTASY LEGENDS II: Kristal Ruang dan Waktu
App Store: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen
Google Play: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered
App Store: 3.800 yen⇒1.900 yen
Google Play: 3.800 yen⇒1.900 yen
Pengunduhan dan beberapa permainan dapat dinikmati secara gratis.

Final Fantasy VII
App Store: 1.900 yen⇒1.000 yen
Google Play: 1.900 yen⇒1.000 yen

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
App Store: 2.600 yen⇒1.200 yen
Google Play: 2.600 yen⇒1.200 yen

Final Fantasy IX
App Store: 2.600 yen⇒1.200 yen
Google Play: 2.600 yen⇒1.200 yen

Chrono Trigger (Edisi Peningkatan)
App Store: 1.600 yen⇒800 yen
Google Play: 1.600 yen⇒800 yen
Amazon App Store: 1,600 yen⇒800 yen
SQUARE ENIX MARKET: 1.600 poin⇒800 poin

Sisa Terakhir yang Di-remaster
Google Play: 3.900 yen⇒1.900 yen
Distribusi saat ini ditangguhkan di App Store sementara masalah sedang ditangani.

Profil Valkyrie
App Store: 2.600 yen⇒1.300 yen
Google Play: 2.600 yen⇒1.300 yen

Hanjuku Hero: Oh, Hanjuku, Sekai yo Hanjuku Nareru...!
App Store: 3,000 yen⇒1,500 yen
Google Play: 3,000 yen⇒1,500 yen

Chaeos Rings III
App Store: 3.800 yen⇒1.900 yen
Google Play: 3.800 yen⇒1.900 yen
SQUARE ENIX MARKET: 3,800 poin ⇒ 1,900 poin

Situs Paranoma FILE23: Tujuh Keajaiban Honjo
App Store: 1.900 yen⇒1.500 yen
Google Play: 1.900 yen⇒1.500 yen

< Periode penjualan
Hingga tengah hari pada hari Kamis, 17 Agustus 2023.

<Target toko
App Store, Google Play

<Judul yang dijual

Final Fantasy IX Cloud Edition
App Store: 1.500 yen⇒750 yen
Google Play: 1,500 yen⇒750 yen

App Store: 3.400 yen⇒2.600 yen
Google Play: 3.400 yen⇒2.600 yen

Final Fantasy XIII
App Store: 2.000 yen⇒1.100 yen
Google Play: 2.000 yen⇒1.100 yen

Final Fantasy XIII-2
App Store: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen
Google Play: 2.400 yen⇒1.200 yen

Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII
App Store: 2.200 yen⇒1.500 yen
Google Play: 2.200 yen⇒1.500 yen

App Store: 1.800 yen⇒1.000 yen
Google Play: 1.800 yen⇒1.000 yen