Popular works were released, but restrictions were placed on both Japanese and Chinese productions, and the situation of new anime in China in July [Anime Situation of Chinese Otaku].
My name is Baiyuan Longhoam, and I am here to introduce you to all things related to the otaku situation in China.
This time, I would like to introduce the trend of new Japanese animations in July distributed on Chinese video sites, as well as the movement of regulation on the Chinese Internet, which also focuses on anime and manga.
July's new releases were unexpectedly popular even among Chinese otaku.
The new anime releases for July have been met with a variety of excitement in China, and the Chinese otaku community has the impression that many of the new anime releases for July are an "unexpected harvest".
First of all, "Hataraku Cell" has become very popular since its distribution started, although it did not stand out much before the start of airing. This work is a little different from the various moe anthropomorphisms centering on military-related characters that have established a genre in China in recent years, and the "educational story" utilizing anthropomorphic characters in the style of Japanese study manga has been received very freshly.
In China, there is no familiarity with so-called "study manga" in Japan, and in the past, there have been news stories about professional manga artists drawing illustrations for Japanese reference books. Perhaps it is because of this background that the theme of the human body, a theme that everyone can talk about, has been used in the past.
It seems to have been a surprise to see an anime that is interesting from an otaku's point of view and that allows the viewer to accumulate knowledge about the human body from the front.
In addition to the usual moe cries for anthropomorphic characters, there were also comments such as "This is a useful science fiction series (science fiction).
In addition to the standard "moe" comments about the anthropomorphic characters, there were also comments such as "This is a work of science promotion that is beneficial!
In addition to the standard "moe" shouts for anthropomorphic characters, there were also comments such as, "This is a work that is beneficial to science promotion!
Next is "Back Street Girls -Gokudolls-," which is experiencing an unexpected trend in popularity and evaluation. The original manga is relatively well known among Chinese fans, and there were high expectations for this work even before the anime started, but when it started, it was a "paper-story anime that doesn't move," and the people who had high expectations for it in advance gave it scathing reviews.
However, the general public did not have much of a problem with the "motionless" nature of the animation due to the fast-paced direction and voice acting, and the black humor of the unlikely combination of idols and the underworld stuck with many people. As a result, "Back Street Girls" was accepted as a gag-type work that could be enjoyed while making comments on video websites, and it seems to have gained a considerable number of views from the beginning.
In a sense, "Back Street Girls" can be said to have "betrayed initial expectations," and it is interesting to note the discrepancy between the expectations and evaluations of the enthusiasts and those of the general Chinese anime audience.
In China, "Overlord III" is considered to be the most anticipated new title for July, and has been gaining views at a pace that does not betray prior expectations since its distribution began.
Overlord" is a combination of net game elements, dark hero elements, otherworldly transition, and "I TUEEEE" elements, and I hear that it has "stuck" in a wide range of areas in China as well. In addition, it is a work that has become popular in China in recent years, which is unusual.
In recent years, many Japanese anime works that have become popular in China have been popular at first, and then gradually become less popular, and after the completion of the work, many people move on to the next new anime, so the popularity and buzz of the work cool down at a much faster pace than in Japan. However, "Overlord" was not so popular when the first season of the anime started, but its popularity gradually increased, and the third season of the anime became a very popular work that attracted attention even before its distribution started.
In addition, "Overlord" has a strong support from people who want to enjoy watching anime works in bulk when they have time, other than those who eagerly follow and talk about new Japanese anime, and it has been evaluated as a work that can maintain its popularity and gain views even when there is no new distribution. In addition to these works, there are also other original works in China.
In addition to these works, there are "Killing Angel," which is strongly supported by fans of the original game in China, "Isekai Majo to Summon Girl no Slave Majutsu," which is popular as a solid work with a standard different world transition development, stable quality, and sexy services, and "Isekai Mahou to Summon Girl no Slave Majutsu," which is popular as a sports work and is also highly rated in terms of quality. which is also highly rated in terms of quality, in addition to its popularity as a sports work. which are highly rated for their quality in addition to their popularity as sports-related works, the Chinese otaku community seems to be excited about the new anime releases in July.
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