Summer Anime "Grendizer II" Episode 6 Synopsis and Advance Cuts Released! Teronna, the female knight, arrives on earth...!

The advance cut and synopsis of the sixth episode of the summer anime "Grendizer II," which is currently airing on Teletext, BS Teletext, and other stations, have been released.

UFO Robo Grendizer," based on the original story by Go Nagai, is a robot hero that has gained popularity since the start of the anime broadcast in 1975 as the third installment of the "Mazinger Z" series.
Despite its long run of 74 episodes, the average viewer rating exceeded 20%, and its popularity spread across the seas to Europe, the Middle East, and South America, and along with "Mazinger Z" and other series, it is still a popular work with enthusiastic fans around the world.
The legendary anime has been revived over 50 years and is currently being broadcast as "Grendizer II.

HISASHI (GLAY) and Sekai (EXILE/FANTASTICS) talk about the summer anime "Grendizer II" in commemoration of its broadcast start! Rock spirit and love for ani-songs in the OP theme "Kaijin-no-Ippatsu"!

The synopsis and advance cuts of the 6th episode "Two Princesses" of "Grendizer II" have been released.

The synopsis and advance cut

Episode 6 "Two Princesses


Teronna, a female knight and close friend of the Duke, arrives on Earth.
Unlike M. Bison's army so far, Teronna offers a fair fight, but Duke is condemned as a planetary sinner.

Film information.

TV animation " Grendizer II

<Broadcast Information

Broadcasting on Teletext, BS Teletext, etc.


Original Story : Nagai Go

General Director : Mitsuo Fukuda

Director : Shun Hisato

Series composition/Screenplay : Ichiro Okochi

Screenplay : Tatsuto Higuchi

Character Design:Yoshiyuki Sadamoto

Sub-character Design: Mari Araki

Mechanical Design: Kou Inada/AF_KURO/Junichi Akutsu (Astray's)

Design Works: Pinakes / Tomoyuki Aoki / Zen Shiba / Masato Yoshinaga

Main Animators: Hiroyuki Okawa / Takashi Hashimoto / Rihiro Yamane / Toru Yoshida

Art Director: Hiroshi Kato (Tonnyan) / Hirofumi Sakagami (Tonnyan)

Color Designer: Chie Mura

Director of Photography: Mutsumi Usuda (Nexus)

Sound Director: Yukio Nagasaki

Sound Effects: Toshiya Wada (Swara Productions) / Mahi Takuma (Swara Productions)

Music: Kohei Tanaka

Music Production: Pony Canyon

Animation Production: GAINA

<Casting: Miyu Irino (Duke Fried)

Miyu Irino (Duke Fried)

Hiro Shimono (Playing the role of Kouji Kabuto)

UESAKA Sumire (Playing the role of YUMI Sayaka)

<Nao Higashiyama (Playing the role of Hikaru Makiba)

Mimi Tanaka (Playing the role of Grace Maria Fried)

Haruka Tomatsu (played by Teronna Akua M. Bison / Rubina Beryl M. Bison)

Ayane Sakura (played by Naida Baron)

Yuma Uchida (as Casado Zeola Whiter)

Tame Hayami (as Gennosuke Yumi)

Takuya Kirimoto (Playing the role of Genzo Umon)

Takehito Koyasu (as Gandal)

Akino Watanabe (Playing the role of Lady Gandhar)

Wataru Takagi (Playing the role of Blackie)

Tomokazu Seki (Playing the role of Zuril)


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Official Twitter: #

You Tube channel:#

(C)Go Nagai/Dynamic Planning-Project GrendizerU

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