The nostalgic character "Pukupuku Awawa-chan" that captivated Heisei girls appears in the surprise box!
An original medium-length animation film by Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata, released in theaters at the height of the panda boom. Panda Copanda" is now available in the Surprise Box!
Angie La Coquette ☆ Reishi no Angie," a white cat character with distinctive odd eyes that has been creating a buzz on social networking sites, is now available in the Surprise Box!
RIOT MUSIC's virtual music label "Meteopolis" is renamed "Supergalactic Records" and launches a new project.
Three new members debuted as research students of the virtual idol group "Palette Project!
HIMEHINA" celebrated its 7th anniversary with a 2-day live event at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL!
Virtual Artist HIMEHINA Surpasses One Million YouTube Channel Subscribers! Commemorative live-streaming will begin at 8:00 p.m. today, December 27, 2012!
AMICIS begins selling glass mouse pads of virtual artist "Kagranana
Next Generation Virtual esports Project "Buispop! Total number of YouTube channel subscribers exceeded 10 million!
Ryoukai Nemo" 2nd one-man live "ONESELF" will be held on 2/1(Sat) 20:00~!
V4Mirai, an English-speaking VTuber project, will present a 3D special concert on YouTube for free!
On December 29 (Sun.), an open campus hosted by ME Campus will be held online! Popular VTuber "Mochi Hiyoko" will participate as a guest!
MUS1CA", which is active as a VSinger, newly joined "RIONECTION", a comprehensive VTuber support project!
Men's VTuber Project "YUMENOS" Original Manga Serialization Begins on Official X! Teaser video with the members' voices is released!
Applications for "STUDIO MEMBERS", a project to support feature-length animation production, will be accepted from 6:00 p.m. on December 1 (Sun.)! Buisseppo! Members will receive all 12 episodes of animations voiced by our members!
AMICIS, a brand that creates new value through co-creation with IP, creators, and activists, is launched. Creating products from scratch by involving factories and manufacturers.
Blitz Wing artist "Kyoko Asakura" celebrates the 2nd anniversary of her debut with the event "Kyoko's Kawaii Junction! -Business Trip Edition-" will be held! Tickets and goods go on sale today, November 22 at 9:00 p.m.
The Otherworldly VTuber Project "Yuni Reido! Six new members of the new guild "ZWEI" debuted from "Yuni Reido! Debut fully animated PV released!
CR Fortnite CAMP", a camp for elementary, junior high, and high school students to experience esports pro-gaming with CrazyRaccoon members, is now accepting applications for the 4th session, limited to the first 16 students.
Blitz Wing artist "Miona the Emperor" held her 3rd Anniversary Live "Hero"! Nanashiinku "Ichika Soya" and Lir.E "Else" make guest appearances!